Chapter 13

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Montgomery nodded his head softly and then carefully and quietly pulled his body through the small window and then shut it silently behind him. As soon as the window was shut he turned back around to face the girl and he wrapped his arms around her waist, her arms went around him and her head rested against his chest as the two of there stood in silence enjoying each others embrace, swaying slowly from side to side.

Monty leant down near her ear, his breath tickling her neck and ear as he began to whisper to her, "Lets get ready for bed kitten, its been a long day." She nodded her head and Montgomery pulled away from her and then he walked over to her sky blue painted drawers in the corner of the room that had a bunch of photos and figurines ontop of it.

He opened the drawers that held both his clothes and Alexandras clothes and pulled out two pairs of his boxers and one of his shirts. He walked over to the bed where she was sitting down and he placed a soft kiss on her head before handing her a pair of his boxers and his shirt.

"You go first princess, I'll get the bed ready while I wait for you to finish up okay?" He asked her softly. She smiled softly up at him and stood up, she placed a kiss on his cheek and then walked over to the bathroom and shut the door and locked it instinctively. It was an instinct for her to always lock doors behind her when her father was home.

Alexandra looked into the mirror in front of her, her makeup was light today, she preferred little to no make-up but on some occasions she did have to go out of her way to put on extra make-up.

She stared into the mirror in front of her, staring into her blue, tired eyes that held an obvious exhaustion. She began to clean off her make-up, making the bags under her eyes more visible and making the freckles that she hated so much, become a lot more defined and clearer. And her scars.

Small scars littered her face, her cheeks, her lips, her eyebrows, her forehead and her chin. A small sigh fell from her lips as she turned away from the mirror and faced the door, slowly beginning to undress herself. The smooth fabric and restricting undergarments slipped from her skin until she was bare and only then did she finally turn around and face herself in the mirror.

Dark purple and brown bruises littered her skin like tattoos. A shaky breath fell from her lips as she stared at her bruises which contrasted violently with her pale skin. She had to be strong. She was strong.

'Who the hell am I trying to kid? I'm not strong. I am weak'

A choked sob escaped her lips and her eyes filled with tears instantly, her cheeks going a rosy pink as the tears began to run down her delicate skin. She tried to hold it in, hold in the pain, the tears, the sobs. But she couldn't stop herself, she just broke down as everything began crashing down around her. She accidently let out a large choked sob and quickly covered her mouth to try and stop herself from crying as she slid down against the wall trying to control herself.

As soon as Montgomery had heard the first sob that had come from his girlfriends lips he had stopped what he was doing and immediately made his way over to the bathroom door, panic shooting through his body. He didn't even hesitate before knocking on the door, concern bursting out of his body and rattling in his bones

"Kitten? Hey hey, what's wrong? Are you okay in there?" Montgomery asked her quickly and when he didn't get an answer from her he knocked on the door a little harder. He was ready to kick the door down but then it ran through his head how much trouble that would get the girl in, and that was the last thing that she would have needed right now.

She didn't say anything and tried to stop her crying, but no matter how hard she tried, she just kept on crying and crying, her sobs echoing softly around the bathroom and wafting out into her bedroom to a panic struck Montgomery De La Cruz who was beginning to get more and more impatient and worried.

"Kitten if you don't open this door, I will kick it down," Montgomery instructed her, having nothing else on his mind now other than getting in there and making sure that she was okay and helping her with whatever the problem was, he had to protect her, that was his job.

Shakily, she stood up from the floor and reached out towards the handle, unlocking the door. She didn't even get time to open the door for him because as soon as he heard the lock click softly, he twisted the handle, pushing the door open and going to the girl, pulling her straight into his arms, running his fingers through her hair softly, holding her head against his chest gently and swaying her softly from side to side, attempting to calm her down so she would talk to him.

"Hey, hey, hey, what happened beautiful?" he whispered to her softly, his heart wrenching in his chest as he heard her let out a soft sniffle before she looked up at him and stared into his eyes.

"Nothing, its nothing Mont, don't worry about it, im sorry," she tells him quickly and pulls away from him and quickly grabbed a towel and covered her body and then wiped her tears, "I'm sorry."

"Stop apologising, you have nothing to be sorry for kitten. You can't to that okay." He mumbled out to her softly

Her eyebrows suddenly furrowed in confusion as she looked up at him, "do what?" she asked him softly, still scared that her dad would hear them

"Shut me out. Don't you get it beautiful? I'm here for you no matter what, always and forever." He said softly and then stepped forward slightly and reached out, grabbing her face softly in the palms of his hands and tilting her head up to look him straight in the eyes

"Why are you hiding your body from me? I've seen you naked before, you know that you're beautiful right?" He asked her softly and since Alex couldn't turn her head, she moved her eyes to stare at the spot next to Montgomery, not being able to look him in the eyes

"Its not that," she whispered out softly, her eyes brimming with tears again and she hesitates and pulls herself out of his grip, taking a few steps back before deciding to let go of the towel, allowing it to fall to the floor. His eyes widened in sadness as they fell on her body, the bruises sticking out like a sore thumb and suddenly his eyes went from sadness and shock to red hot anger.

"What the fuck? Who the fuck did this to you?" He asked angrily, his blood instantly began to boil and he wanted to punch something, his fists clenched tightly together, "Who did this?"

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