Chapter 31

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Alex struggled against her mind as she forced herself to stop thinking about that night, the night that she had to be rushed to hospital after her boyfriend had pushed her.

The night that hadn't been talked about, she knew she could never tell anyone what had happened that night. It would only cause more trouble and she didn't want that, especially for Monty.

But that night still rang through her head occasionally, drowning her in a sea of bad memories. After all it was one of the worst
nights of her life, well besides when she found out about Jeff's death.

She knew that the whole 'Jeff was Drunk' was a complete load of bullshit. She was with him that night and he was perfectly fine to drive.

When she heard that Sherri was the one who had caused the accident by knocking down the stop sign at the end of the street and not telling anybody, she didn't want to
believe it but she did.

Even though Sherri and her had been good friends, Jeff meant more to her than anything and why the hell would Hannah lie about something like that?

She hated Sherri, and it wasn't hard for Sherri to figure out why since she had been one of the people to listen to the tapes before Alex. Sherri had confronted Alex about the tapes and told her about how Hannah was lying and that she would never do something like that.

And so Alex believed Sherri. Why would her
best friend lie to her, Hannah was a good friend but Sherri was one of
her best friends so she had to belive Sherri.

Alex closed her eyes tightly and let out a long, shaky sigh, to this day she still wondered if Hannah was the one telling the truth about what had happened the night of the accident.

Alex slowly opened her eyes and began to
play with the bracelet that gripped her wrist. It was beautiful and clearly not cheap. It was a gorgeous silver chain with multiple charms hanging onto the metal.

Alex couldn't stop the small smile that forced its way onto her face as she looked down at the charms on it she began to think about all her
times with Zach.

He was always there for her no matter what... she had been through a lot in her life but she was grateful in some aspects. She knew that she never would have made it this far without Zach and Justin.

The bond that the girl shared with both Zach Dempsey and Justin Foley was unbreakable, it was like something you could only see in books. They were all connected through their souls and she would do anything for those two boys, just like the two of them would do anything for her.

Alex was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts by a soft and rhythmic tap at her window. The tap was a familiar pattern, one that made a warm feeling flow through her body.

When Alex and Justin were 8, the two of them had come up with their 'secret knock' and it had been the same knock that the two of them had used since.

Alex quickly got up and made her way over to the window, a sinking feeling in her chest as she prayed that there was nothing wrong with Justin and he was just coming over to talk to her about something or he was too seeing to go anywhere else.

Alex reached her delicate hand out toward the cords on the side of the window and opened her blinds and revealed Justin with puffy
cheeks and bloodshot eyes.

She felt her heart ache as she stared at her best friend for a few short moments and then she quickly pulled the window open.

"My dad isn't home" she mumbles out quickly and reached out and grabs his bag that he
has over his shoulder, it was light... it always was.

She put the bag down on the stained carpet and then reached out and helped him in to her room. He thanked her softly as she used her strength to pull him in through the window, she was always worried that one day he might fall backwards while climbing in, it was a long drop.

Justin pulled his body through the window fill and stood in the middle of the room and looked around. He had been in there at least a million times and it was still the same, there was a lot of plants through the room and vines across the ceiling. She still had the same Star Wars bed sheets that she had used for as long as he could remember.

The walls were covered in record vinyls, movie and band posters and a few drawings that she had done through the years.

His eyes trailed around the room, the room that felt more like home to him than any other place. The last part that he looked at was above the bed where there were pictures of her and her friends.

But most of the pictures had Jeff, Montgomery, Zach and Justin in them, they all looked so happy as they stood next to the girl.

He smiled slightly at an image of him and Ella when they were younger, he was in his football gear while she was in her soccer gear, both of them were sweating horribly, but they had their arms thrown over each other's shoulders and they had giant smiles on their faces.

Justin couldn't help but chuckle a little bit before frowning once more, the short lived happiness fading away once again as he remembered why he was here.

"Can I sleep over? My mum and her stupid junkie boyfriend are fighting again?"
Justin asks quietly and Alex felt like she was dying inside as she could literally feel the sadness wafting off the boy. Her lip trembled as she walked up to him in wrapped her arms around him.

She snaked one of her arms around his thin waist and then gently placed her other around his neck as her hand went to the  back of his head.

She comfortingly ran her fingers through his hair before she pulled his head down gently
towards her and buried it into her shoulder while she continued to run her fingers through his hair

"It's alright I'm here" she said and rubbed circles one his back comfortingly
"You're alright now I promise. It's alright no one can hurt you now okay, not while I'm here," He broke down into a fit of sobs and clutches at her body for dear life.

She had to look up as she forced herself to not cry, mentally cursing at herself as a few stray tears fell down her delicate cheeks. She held him tightly in her arms, cursing the universe, wondering why it was making them go through so much.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm so weak" he chokes out which seemed to shock the girl as she froze up slightly.

Justin was so thankful that he had her in his life, he didn't know why she hadn't left yet. Everyone seemed to leave him, but for some reason she stayed.

Alex shushed the boy softly and she bought him over to the bed and they both laid down on top of the covers.

She wrapped her arms around the boy and he laid his head on her chest and cried

"It's not bad to cry. In fact I think it makes you an even stronger person" Alex mumbles to the boy, happy that he could open up to her. He was a very closed off person and she knew that it was hard for him to talk about what he was feeling.

"Don't let me go please. Don't leave me, promise me you won't leave me" He
mumbles as he choked on his own sobs... she meant everything to him and he didn't know what he would do if she left him

"I promise"

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