Chapter 78

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Alex had felt sick to her stomach as she pushed the courtroom doors open and rushed out, stumbling a few times as she felt her knees attempting to give way underneath her. The cameras were flashing on her and she quickly covered her eyes, this was a court case not the Grammys. People stuck their cameras and microphones in her face, causing her anxiety to skyrocket as she unconsciously reached out for Monty like she would usually do, just to remember that he wasn't there.

"i think its her" one of the reporters called out, pointing at the poor girl

"Its Alexandra Black"

"You're the other girl arent you? The one that Zach Dempsey was talking about?"

"leave me alone" Alex chokes out through her tears and pushes her way through the crowd with her skateboard, not caring who she hit in the process.

Then, once she finally makes it through the swarm of people she quickly throws her board down onto the road and jumps onto it, skating to school, a few reporters trying to follow after her but giving up as she gained speed and distance.

She wasn't surprised that she thought was going to fall off, her vision being blurred with tears but at this moment she couldn't care less if she fell of or if she even got hit by a car.

She didn't know what to think or what to do, it was her fault, it was all her fault. She knew that Zach used to have a thing for her but she had no idea that he still did, and she thought it was just a stupid schoolboy crush that would only last a term or so, but it wasn't, and deep down she had always known that, from the way that he talked to her and looked at her, he was always so gentle and he had told her so many times how he had felt but she just continued to brush it off, tell him that she didn't know what he was talking about and that she didn't feel the same but the truth of the matter was that she did love Zach Dempsey.

She loved him a lot, but she was IN love with Monty, and nobody could change that.

Finally, the girl had made it to the school, the big blue doors in front of her, and for a moment she felt like she was standing outside the doors of hell.

Now, she didn't mean it in some sort of stupid cliche where everyone was like 'i hate school it's like hell' no... she meant that some of the people here truly were monsters, monsters that terrorize people and lead them to kill themselves, and the teachers didn't care, did they?

Alex pushed the doors open, there was only one period left and then she had cheerleading practise after school. She wasn't really sure if she was going to make it that far, at this point she was ready to just go home, not even caring if her father would be there.

She made her way over to her locker, quickly wiping her eyes and cheeks, trying to wipe away the tears, luckily everyone was already in class, meaning that the halls were empty and she would only have 40 minutes of English class.

The girl didn't know what to do with herself anymore, life was just getting more fucked up as every day passes.

She couldn't bring herself to understand how everything went so wrong so quickly. Sure, she has had her fair share of shitty days over the last few years. But for the last year, she couldn't think of a day where she didn't question whether all of this was worth it anymore.

As Alex slowly opened her locker she was met with a few pictures, and the first thing she noticed about them was her smile, it was a real smile, something she hadn't given in months.

Her eyes then trailed over to the mirror, her eyes were red and her mascara was still slightly smudged on her rosy cheeks. She quickly used the palm of her hand to wipe it away, but the tears just continued to fall down her cheeks, making it even worse.

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