Chapter 8

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Justin looked pissed off and confused as he looked down at Jessica, "what did i tell who?" he asks in annoyance, his voice raising

"Mr Porter, what did you tell him yesterday?" Jessica yells angrily, "why haven't you been at school?"

"I Just needed at day off to chill," Justin stutters out and waves his arms around, if there was one thing that he hated, it was confrontation

"the day after you talk to Porter, you need a day off?" Jessica asks accusingly as she glared over at him, "Youre not telling me something."

Alexandra softly nodded her head, agreeing 100% with what Jessica had said, she was sure that Justin was hiding something and she needed to find out what it was, because whatever it was it was slowly destroying him and she figured she could help him if she could at least carry half of the burden of whatever it was.

"What would I not be telling you?" Justin asks in annoyance as he looked over at his girlfriend

Justin sighs and sits down on one of the chairs as he waits for Jess to reply, but no words leave her mouth. Alexandra looked over at Jess with a sorry look on her face and tries to give her a small smile to try and comfort her and tell her that everything will be okay

Everything will be okay...

No, it wouldn't. And Alex knew that it wouldn't all be okay, nothing was going to be okay every again and she knew she would have to be stupid to believe otherwise.

This was all just the beginning and all of them were going to have to go through hell and back to make it out of all of this and the only thing that was running through Alexandras mind was... Are we going to make it out of this alive?

"Clay has the tapes now," Jessica tells them all as she decided to look over at the three people that were sitting on the couch, her eyes trailing over Alex, Zach and Marcus.

"I know, he was giving me a funny look today, I think he knows I'm on the tapes but I know that he isn't up to my tape yet" Alex says with a sigh as she finally kills Zachs character.

"I know too. But don't worry about it," Justin tells Jessica

"He isn't like the rest of us. He could say something. And to be completely honest with you all, I'm surprised that little miss innocent over there hasn't cracked and opened her big mouth and said anything yet," Jessica says and rolls her eyes as she looks at Alex

Zach and Justin quickly became pissed off, Zach threw the Xbox remote on the couch next to him and Justin slammed his hand down onto the table, "don't fucking talk about her like that," they both snapped immediately and defensively

Jessica was quick to roll her eyes at the two boys, "why not? Nows my only chance, its not like her fucking psychotic boyfriend Monty is here to do anything to protect his 'precious little princess' like always, honestly she is always hiding behind you guys and its fucking pathetic."

Justin and Zach opened their mouths and were about to say something to Jess but they were abruptly cut off by Alex standing up off the couch and glaring over at Jessica, "Watch your fucking mouth Davis" she growled and began to walk over to Jessica threateningly

"Montgomery isn't a fucking psycho. And if I were you I wouldnt fucking say anything that would put my friends at risk. So how about you sit your ass down on the fucking chair and discuss your problems with someone who actually cares?" Alexandra snapped and all of the boys smirked over at her, "what you don't trust me Jess? Too fucking bad, sounds like a personal issue."

Jessica was quick to sit down silently, not wanting to piss Alex off anymore, because she knew that while it was hard to piss off Alexandra Black, she knew that when she was pissed off, all hell would break loose.

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