Chapter 90

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Liberty high school had an extremely high lead, the points that they had earned far surpassed that of the other team. Despite how well the team was doing, the cheering was nowhere near what it would usually be in this circumstance, which more than likely had something to do with the fact that the word 'RAPISTS' was burned into the middle of the field, in the perfect spot for every single person to see it. 

Alex knew exactly why the word had been burnt into the field, though she wasn't sure who had done it. She was stupid though, and she understood why someone would go out of their way to do it in an attempt to get back at the baseball team and let everyone know what had been going on behind the scenes, though Alex couldn't help but feel bad for the majority of the baseball team who in fact were NOT rapists. 

At first she had thought that the giant word burnt into the grass would result in less people showing up, but as she looked out at the crowd, brushing away the sweaty strands of hair that were covering her face, she could see that, that was definitely not the case. If anything, it had only attracted more people, the murmers throughout the crowd making it seem like it was some kind of spectacle for them all to see. 

But this of course wasn't the only thing that Alex had been able to notice throughout the game. She also managed to catch the looks that Bryce and Zach had been sharing the whole game, their icy cold glares being shot back and forth as if they were challenging each other or something. Not to mention that fact that the two of them had sprouted multiple verbal arguments, which were quickly split up by the coach with whatever toxic-masculine words he could come up with on the spot. 

It was odd to see the two of them butting heads so much. Zach was far from a confrontational kind of guy, he liked to stay quiet, maybe back someone up in a conversation or chime in a few words every now and then, but he was never one for confrontation. That and the fact that they were actually winning the game, made the sight more interesting than the actual game. If they were winning, why would they be arguing about changing up the moves?

"Fucking boys," Alex muttered under her breath, shaking her head as she looked away from the two of them and then allowed herself to look at Monty and Scott. The two of them had been doing really well tonight, and she was super proud of them. She had been cheering on for all her friends, the bunch of them occasionally looking back at her to send her a big grin, paired with a happy wave. 

Bryce had gotten the third strike out for the opposite team, meaning that it was their turn to bat. You would expect the team to be over the moon, but to everyones surprise, Zach ripped his helmet off in frustration and stormed over to Bryce, an angry look on his handsome face. He yelled the word 'time' only sending the ref a small glance before he began yelling at Bryce. 

Alex tried her best to hear what the two of them were saying to each other, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hear any of the words that were coming out of either of their mouths. Alex felt the anxiousness in her stomach began to bubble as she looked between the two of them, an itching feeling that a fight was about to break loose began to course through her tired body. 

She tried to keep herself calm, reminding herself that those two boys in particular were different from Monty and rarely got violent, only being violent when there was something that was really pissing them off, and the fact that there was a giant audience watching them, made it even more unlikely that either of them would do anything. 

Bryce definietly didn't want to start a fight in front of his parents, and Zach didn't want to start a fight in front of his little sister, so at this point, the two of them were waiting for the other to make the first move. She walked a little closer, trying her best to hear the conversation more clearly, also wanting to be close enough to try and defuse the situation if she had to. 

As she got closer, Monty (who was at second base, which was closest to her) took a few steps over to her, throwing his arm around her shoulder, "its best to just leave it Bub, the two of them are sorting some shit out, I don't want you to get in the middle of It and end up getting hurt."

Alex looked away from Monty and over at Zach, who she could now hear. "What are you doing right now?" Zach angrily yelled at Bryce, waving his helmet around in frustration 

"That's 5ks in a row with a fast ball, why are you trying to fuck that up?" Bryce asked, the scowl on his face showed his rage infused confusion as he took a threatening step towards Zach. 

"Why didn't you shake me off?" Zach asks. 

"What the hell is he doing?" Monty muttered under his breath. Alex couldn't help but agree, rolling her eyes at the two boys who could have chosen a better place and time than this to settle the dispute. The two boys were finding everything that they could to pin against each other and they were going to get a lot of people involved, they were seriously doing this at the wrong time. 

"Why don't you just catch what I throw and be happy about it? Its when you start thinking that shit gets fucked up," Bryce snapped, glaring over at Zach

"You gave a whole fucking speech about teamwork, but that was just bullshit too wasn't it?" Zach asks, rolling his eyes at the team captain

"What the fuck is your problem right now?" Bryce asks, a threatening demeanour about him as he gets up in Zach's face. Zach is quick to push him back, not falling for Bryce's antics as he towers over him. 

"You're my fucking problem. We both know that Hannah didn't lie on those fucking tapes," Zach says. This was clearly the coach's cue to put an end to it as he jogs over to the boys and quickly separates them

"Zach come on man, we leave this off the field okay?" the coach said, however his attempt to defuse the situation only seemed to piss Zach off more as he scoffed at the coach, shaking his head. 

"Sorry coach, I can't anymore," Zach fires before storming off, beelining in the direction of the clubhouse. Alex was quick to remember that Clay and Justin were more than likely still in there, her heartbeat picking up since she hadn't told Zach. 

"Dempsey! Dempsey come on!" the coach called him back, however Zach didn't even bother to spare him a glance as he kept walking away, wanting nothing more than to get away from the group of people that he had once considered to be his friends. 

"What the hell is his problem?" Monty scoffs, pulling his arm off Alex's shoulder as they all watch the tall boy walk away

"I'm not sure, I'm gonna go check on him, good luck with the rest of the game, I'm sure I won't be gone long," she muttered to him, placing a quick kiss on his cheek before running off after Zach. Monty called after her, telling her to just leave him but she pretended that she couldn't hear him and then disappeared behind the back of the field, making her way over to the clubhouse, hoping that Zach hadn't walked in on Clay and Justing trying to find the polaroids. 

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