Chapter 47

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Alex sighed as she wiped away her fallen tears
and sat back against the wall of the rocket
ship playground, an exhausted sigh falling from her lips.

Alex's  head shot up when she heard footsteps and felt the playground shaking a little bit

"Lex, you up here?" Alexandra hears and she
quickly tries to hide the fact that she was
crying as she wiped her tears with the sleeves of her letterman

"Yeah up here Zachy" Alex calls out and Zach
finally appears as he pulled himself up.

He crawls over to her and he gives her a small smile as he sits next to her with his back against the wall.

there was about ten centimetres between them, Zach could tell that she was upset and he knew to give her some space before moving closer

"How did you know where I was" Alex
questions and plays with her fingers, a thing
that she tended to do when she was either
nervous or sad

"The boys and I all went to bryces house after
school and Monty was already there and he
was pissed, wouldn't fucking talk to any of us to begin with and just played cod. It wasn't  hard to tell what he was pissed about when every sentence he quickly rambled had your name in it" Zach says with a soft chuckle

"How'd you know I would come here?" Alex
asks again, "to this specific spot"

"You used to come here with Justin all the
time when you guys were little and your
parents were both arguing with whoever they
were with at the time. It's also the first place I
met you" Zach says and let's out a sigh, a small smile tugging on his lips as he thought about the first encounter

"we were all so innocent. Life wasn't easy back then but it was easier. I wish we could go back"

"Yeah" Alex sighed "do you think what
Hannah said was true. Because most of the
things she said about me where true. Not all
of them, but most of them"

"I think Hannah just stated what she saw. I
don't think she lied, she just didn't get both
sides or the full story" Zach replies and then
shuffled closer to Alex slowly and wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her into his

She didn't hesitate as she threw her arms around him and she just breaks out in tears, her body shaking violently as she clung onto him for dear life.

Zachs heart hurt from the pained expression on her face and the sound of her cries. He just wanted her to be happy, if he could take all of her pain from her, be would. Without a second thought. No matter what toll it would take on him.

"It's my fault that Hannah's dead Zach" Alex
cries out to him, "I'm the last one of us to see her and it's my fault"

"You can't say that Alex. You didn't know she was going to do that to herself. Stop blaming yourself for everything" Zach mumbles and rubs her arm and she just leans into him and tries to contain her sobs

"God I'm so sick of crying" she suddenly says
in an angry voice and then pulls away from
zachs arms and stands up "let's go do
something fun"

"You really were a great person Alex. How could you live with everything that happened to you. All the hits you take from two of the men who are meant to be the most important men in your life, your boyfriend and your father.

Tell me Alex, how does one person
bottle up all that pain and not

You really are one of the strongest people that I've ever met, with all that pain, I guess I shouldn't  really blame you for how you turned out. But I do.

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