Chapter 70

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"Please Alex, I really need your help with something, could you please just come over? I get that its early, and you have school, but I really need to talk to you about something," Alex hears Clay say through the phone, a pleading edge to his soft voice. 

Alex lets out a sigh as she wedges the phone between her cheek and shoulder so she could use both of her hands to tie up her shoelaces. She was meant to get to school earlier today because she had told Zach that she would help him with their Biology assignment before the first period. 

"Look Clay, Zach and i are meant to be going over Bio this morning, I don't understand why you cant just tell me what you need my help for and why it is so urgent. Cant you find someone else to help you out with it?" Alex mumbles before she grabs her phone in her hand again and climbs out of her window, grabbing onto her skateboard on the way out 

"Please Alex, it is really important and I just can't tell you why okay. You'll see why when you get here and you will understand why it needs to be you," Clay pleads through the phone. Alex throws her head back in slight annoyance before she nods her head even though he wouldn't be able to see her

"Ok... Yeah, i'll be over soon, i'll message Zach and tell him that we are just going to have to reschedule, i'll see you soon, this better be worth it" Alex sighs and then hangs up the phone and quickly messages Zach before shoving her phone into the back pocket of her ripped jeans. 

She checks the road to make sure that there weren't any incoming cars before jumping onto her skateboard and beginning her short journey over to Clays house, waving to a few of her neighbours along the way. 

Alex hops off her skateboard and then uses her foot to push down on the end of the skateboard so that the other end comes up. She catches it before tucking it under her arm and pulling her phone out to see another message from Clay

'come through the window'

"Well, that totally isn't sketchy at all" Alex mumbles to herself, letting out yet another small huff of annoyance. She had things to do this morning, and she didn't really have time to just fart ass around at Clay's house. She shrugged off her backpack and shoved her backpack in as best as she could and then she began to climb up the side of the building up to clays window which was luckily already open

Alex began to pull herself through the window, complaining as she did so, "I swear to god, if you called me over here to kill me or something could you just get it over w-" Alex stops mid sentence after she had finally pulled herself into the room, she looked across and saw no other than Justin Foley, sitting on the floor staring at her 

She suddenly felt a sickening rage flow through her veins, "what the fuck is he doing here and why the hell am I here" her eyes instantly leaving Justin's sad ones as she looked over at Clay with a rush of fury

"well I needed your help," Clay tells the girl who had now gone back to glaring over at Justin

"Help with what?" Justin and Alex both ask in confusion though. Alex's face was only gaining more and more anger as the seconds passed as Justin sat there with a guilty look on his face, maintaining eye contact with the girl. 

He had a cup of noodles in his hand but he couldn't care less about them, he cared about her and he knew that he had hurt her. The one person in the whole world who he believed wholeheartedly deserved to have nothing wrong done to them. 

"Just tell me that you bought what I asked you to bring," Clay says with a sigh. Alex nods her head and places the backpack on the ground before she begins to pull multiple things out of it

"Everything to help someone who is recovering from a drug addiction, now can you tell me why you ne-" Alex started but then her mind pieced it all together and she looked over at Justin in disappointment "Seriously Justin, you left so you could run around doing Heroin?"

While her face showed nothing but anger, she could feel a sense of worry slowly beginning to replace it. 

"It's not like that," Justin tells her and looks down guiltily. The girl just sighed, she hated being harsh on the boy but he shouldn't have just left like he did, and he definitely shouldn't have been doing drugs. He shouldn't have left her, and while that sounded selfish, she really did need him there.

"Wait how did you know?" Justin asks and looks over at Clay in confusion

"Okay look the thing is, I was washing your clothes and I found your shit and I flushed it down the toilet and Tony thinks you might be an addict and we might have to detox you" Clay tells him straight forward.  Alex just sighs before going over to sit down on Clays bed, this was already too much for her to deal with

"You know what, fuck this, I'm outta here" Justin says angrily and throws the blanket that was wrapped around him onto the floor

"Sit your fucking ass back down," Alex snapped, knowing that she had to help him get over this, and she wasn't in the mood for his stubbornness right now. 

Justin quickly stopped what he was doing, looking up at her in shock. It was rare for her to talk to someone that way, but when she did, it was even more rare for the victim to not do as they were told. 

Once Clay realised that Justin was actually listening, he began to give more reasons as to why he needed to stay there, "well 'A' all of your clothes are in the fucking wash, 'B' where are you going to go and 'C' are you really going to just leave Alex like that again?" Clay asks sarcastically. Alex looks down and begins to play with her fingers as she feels the eyes from both boys resting on her. Justin sits back down on the couch, shaking his head softly. 

Alex stands up and walks over to them then begins to place everything on the table in front of them

"Come on J, we are going to get you through this okay," Alex says with a soft sigh. He looks up at her to meet her tired eyes "Come on J, Jessica really needs your help alright, you've got to do this and if not for yourself then do it for Jessica alright. She deserves to be happy and Bryce deserves to be locked behind bars"

Clay looked at the girl in shock, he didn't think that she had believed what Hannah said about Bryce because she still hangs out with him, but what he didn't know was that she and another certain someone who still hung out with Bryce were the secret ones helping him on the sidelines trying to get all the evidence against Bryce

"Come on Zach, are we seriously just going to let Bryce get away with this?" Alex asks him angrily as they sat by themselves out on the baseball field that they had both been training on not even ten minutes ago

"I don't know what to fucking do Lexi, alright" Zach says to her as he ran his hands over his face in a mixture of frustration and sadness. Alex begins to pick out blades of grass with her fingers as they sat cross-legged facing each other "I don't want him to get away with it but I don't know what to fucking do."

They sat there and began to think carefully.  It had been around 5 minutes before Alex came up with an idea and her eyes lit up like a light bulb "What if we anonymously tip someone off on the things that Bryce has done, someone who is prepared to put Bryce behind bars, I can't do anything and let people know that it was me because Monty is still best friends with him and I don't want to be the person to come between him and he's friendships even if it is a fucking rapist and it's my word against bruces. I don't even know if Monty would believe me"

"of course, Monty would believe you over Bryce but it definitely could cause a lot of trouble if they know you are the one trying to expose Bryce and what he truly is, it puts you in danger of getting hurt and that's the last thing that I want," Zach says and then begins to think again for a minute "Hey i got an idea, there are these photos in the clubhouse"

"the clubhouse?" Alex asks in confusion and looks at the boy

"it's this small shack thing behind the baseball field it's right over there behind those trees," he says and points over to it"there's a box full of Polaroids, there's pictures of Bryce taking advantage of girls, what if we gave them to Jessica or something"

"no, no. not Jessica" Alex says and begins to think for a minute and then she cursed herself for taking so long to figure out the most obvious person "How about Clay Jensen"

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