Chapter 86

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"Seriously who says maybe to a free vacation?" Montgomery says in confusion. He was shaking his head in confusion his mouth full of the bacon, lettuce and egg sandwich that he had just taken a large bite out of after he and Scott had sat down with Bryce and Chloe. 

The two of them were planning on talking to Bryce so that they could try and sort out what was happening with the whole court thing, however, all of them noticed how different Chloe was acting and how she walked away after saying maybe to going to Italy. 

It was clear that the whole court thing was getting to her, but seriously, could you blame her? 

None of them had seen Alex the whole day and it was already lunch. Scott and Montgomery had been worried about her for the whole day, they had even skipped the second period to go around the school grounds looking for her but no matter what, they didn't find her. Scott insisted that they just wait a while and see what happens, though Monty was adamant about trying to keep on looking for her.

They had gone around talking to the teachers asking if they knew anything about her absence and while they would usually say that they couldn't say why a student was absent, they knew better than to say that to Montgomery De La Cruz, especially when it came to his girl, Alex Black. Ever since the first bell had rung they had been continuously blowing her phone up but they hadn't gotten a single reply or call back from her and it was only making them even more worried, which they didn't think was possible.

They had talked to their friends and all of them had said that they hadn't seen her since she left the ceremony after school yesterday. Monty was only getting more and more concerned as the seconds passed, though he had messaged her a million times and she hadnt replied.

"Jesus, chew your fucking food," Bryce says with a smirk and a laugh before he pats Montgomery on the shoulder and goes to open his lunch, snickering under his breath, not even bothering to send his girlfriend one last glance as she disappears. 

He goes to start a conversation with Scott to tell him about what his dad had said but his smirk disappears when his blue eyes landed on someone entering the schoolyard with a hoodie over their head. 

Her blue eyes were faced towards the ground and her pale skin (which was now covered in dark bruises and deep cuts) was glowing in the sunlight. 

Though that wasn't the first thing that he had noticed about her, Bryce instantly recognized the crimson blood staining the dirty clothes which she had been wearing yesterday as well as all the cuts and bruises coving her usually smiling face which today was bare from her usual natural makeup. 

Usually, she wore makeup to cover the bruises, but it didn't take a genius to figure out that it would have been too painful to put it on over the cuts and bruises that littered her skin like an extra layer of skin.

Her face was looking down at the ground and her legs we also covered in multiple different-sized bruises and cuts that looked like they hadn't been cleaned properly. That wasn't even the worst part of it, he was sure that she was the one who had tried stitching the wounds, which she had done a crappy job of and was probably going to allow it to get infected.

Bryce was confused because he knew that she knew how to stitch wounds properly because she had stitched him up as well as Montgomery, Zach, Justin and heaps of the other guys from their friendship group. As he looked at her blood-soaked hoodie he was sure that the skin that was hidden from the hoodie was much worse than the skin that was showing "Holy shit" he finally mutters and his jaw had dropped. 

The boys stopped talking as they watched his eyes hold a sudden look of fear and concern. He knew the girl hated him, she didn't do a good job at trying to hide it, but when they were younger, her Justin and Bryce were the best of friends, they always had eachothers backs and looked after eachother, though she had distanced herself from him over the last few years and decided to mainly stick to Justins side instead of his. 

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