❛ Chapter 3 ❜

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Taeyeon switch on the light before she close the door and sat on her bed. She heaved a sigh.

Tiring day. Just like before.

She then lying down on her bed and close her eyes for a while. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

Taeyeon opened her eyes back and pushed herself from the bed lazily. She walked to the door and open it.

"Oh..mother. Why?" she asked.

Mrs.Kim smiled before shook her head. "Are you hungry? Let's eat then. I've been waiting for you to eat together." she said softly.

Taeyeon shake her head.

"No, I'm not hungry. You eat first. I have an assignment to do." Taeyeon replied.

Mrs.Kim sigh secretly before she smile to her daughter and nod. She then went downstairs and Taeyeon shut the door back.

The old woman slowly sat on the sofa. She's thinking about Taeyeon.

"She's really changed." Mrs.Kim mumbled.

Mrs.Kim then glanced at one picture on the table. She grabbed the picture and stared st it.

It was a picture of her, Taeyeon and..her ex husband.

She still keep that picture even Taeyeon told her to throw that into a trash can. Even Taeyeon try to throw the picture into a trash can many times but Mrs.Kim always stop her.

She knows that Taeyeon hate this picture so much. But Mrs.Kim loves this picture. It reminds her of their special moments together as a family.

"Stop staring at the picture before I throw it again."

Mrs.Kim startled a little when she heard that voice. She turned and saw Taeyeon who crossing her arms.

She quickly put the picture back and get up. "Where are you going?" she asked when she look Taeyeon has changed her clothes.

"Jessica's house. Discussing about our assignment. Don't worry. I will eat later. See you, mom." Taeyeon said before she hug her mom and pecked on her cheek.

She then went away, leaving the house. Mrs.Kim sighed again.

She's really different now.


Jessica and Tiffany bid goodbye at Taeyeon and Yoona before they went to the class first. They have some works to do.

Yoona decide to accompany Taeyeon. Both of them went to their locker.

When they were about to open their locker, suddenly someone stopped them. Taeyeon and Yoona turned before they saw Baekhyun and his gang.

Yoona raised her eyebrow. Feeling weird. She has never have any relationship with this playboys.

"Beautiful, can you leave both of us here?" Baekhyun asked Yoona.

Yoona frowned. "And who are you to told me that?" she scoffed before chuckles.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and glanced at Sehun. Sehun nod before he pulled Yoona to follow him.

Yoona widened her eyes. "Hey! Let me go!" she raised her voice but there's no use. There's no one there except them.

Sehun pulled Yoona away from them, following by Kris and Chanyeol. Leaving Baekhyun and Taeyeon alone.

Taeyeon stared at Baekhyun coldly.

"What do you want?" she asked, still in cold voice.

"Nothing. Just wanna ask you out. You want?" Baekhyun smiled at her.

Taeyeon squeaked before she sighed loudly. She crossed her arms.

"What do you want from me, playboy?" she asked roughly.

Baekhyun smirked before he leaned closer to Taeyeon, make the girl stepped back because their body were close to each other.

Taeyeon's back then touched the locker. Means, she can't step back anymore. That's make Baekhyun smirk even more. He put his both hands at Taeyeon's left and right, trapping her.

Taeyeon's face didn't show any reactions. She still with her cold face. But deep inside, her heart beating faster.

For the first time.

"Do you want to go out with me or not?" Baekhyun kept asking.


Taeyeon replied shortly. Baekhyun licked his lower lip and stare at Taeyeon deeply. Taeyeon also stare back at him with her cold stare.

She shook her head and repeated her answer.


She then pushed Baekhyun and went away from there. Baekhyun smirked alone. "It's okay. Nice reject." he mumbled.

Baekhyun suddenly touch his left chest. "Why my heart is beating faster? Geez.." he rolled his eyes before stepped away.

When he walked to the class, he suddenly heard voices. He turned and saw Taeyeon again. But she is not alone. She's with Jessica and Tiffany.

He decided to heard their conversation so he hide behind the wall before he secretly watching them.

"Poor your mother, Taeyeon!" Jessica sighed loudly.

Taeyeon still crossing her arms and stared at Jessica coldly.

"But she knows that I suffer a lot before this. Her ex husband is a trash. And I will never ever forgive him."

"And he is your father." Jessica said the word father loudly.

Taeyeon who heard the word father, started  to angry. She hates that word. "He. Is. Not. My. Father." She said one by one word while holding her anger.

Tiffany patted her shoulder and told her to calm down. "Okay, calm down. Jessica, enough please." Tiffany said softly at both of them.

She glanced at Jessica. Jessica let out a slight breath and look away. Taeyeon take a deep breath before she went away.

"Jessica, I told you to not mentioning her father!" Tiffany said in regret.

"I know. But, her mother! I know that her mother still hopes that her father will come back one day. She should told her heart to be more soft and always forgiving people." Jessica replied.

Tiffany sighed. "I know. But, you know that she's like that. She hates him already. And why did you suddenly dragged her here and talk about this?" she asked back.

Jessica stay silent. Tiffany raised her eyebrow at her, waiting for her answer.

"I bumped into him yesterday."

Tiffany widened her eyes.

Meanwhile, Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrows. He is increasingly wondering about who Taeyeon is and her past life.

Baekhyun didn't wait long, he continued to leave the place quietly so as not to be noticed by Jessica and Tiffany.

"I really want to know about Taeyeon."

He muttered alone.

To be continued

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