Level 1:The New Hottie Turned Out To Be An Asshole

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Level 1: The New Hottie Turned Out To Be An Asshole

"Today is the day, rise and shine, first day back as a senior Kaitlin, time to get up" Alex sang while opening my curtains and throwing a pillow at me. 

I groaned loudly and covered my face with the pillow to block the disgusting sunlight out. "Go away Alex, I don't care" 

Sunlight shouldn't be called sunlight. It's just a burden to show you that it's the morning. What about death light? Or I don't want to get out of bed leave me alone light? 

"No Kaitlin you're going to be late, If you don't get up I will do something that you'll regret"

"Go ahead" I grumbled and clenched my eyes shut. 

"Fine" He finally left my room which made me sigh in relief and drift back to sleep. I already had my made-up love scenario in my head but it got cut short as I head a flush from my bathroom. 

Who the hell-

Alex came out of there with a smirk on his face. "You do not want to go in there" He laughed while walking out of my room. 

He stopped by the door. "Maybe now you will know to get up when I say. Have fun getting ready" He winked then slammed my door shut. I ran to the bathroom and opened the door slowly.

"Omg," I gagged and held my shirt over my nose. The smell....made my eyes start to water in pain. I quickly shut the door  and grimaced in disgust. 

"Alex you need physical help! Book a doctor's appointment" I yelled and started to spray my room frantically with perfume as the smell was starting to slowly spread. 

"We had taco bell last night. What do you expect?" He laughed from his room. 

I stomped to my door and threw it open "Not for you to lay chemical waste in my bathroom at 6 am" I yelled. 

"Big brother duties. You're very much welcome" 

"Alex! I swear to-"

"Do you mind? Nobody wants to hear you screaming from their rooms" Dawn snapped as she walked out of her room. 

"Nobody wants an annoying sister either" I rolled my eyes. 

"Yet both describe you perfectly" she smiled sarcastically. 

 Imagine being able to get along with your little sister...now throw that thought away and replace it with a moody 14-year-old.  Or is she 15 already? Wait if Ky is 14 then she's 14, right?

Well, they're twins Kaitlin.

Monday mornings in fact, any mornings are NOT ideal for me, I don't have a single trial of cohesive thoughts.  I walked over to the bathroom, but Dawn pushed me out of the way and went inside.

"I don't think so" she waved at me then locked the door shut. 

I blinked in surprise, which quickly turned into anger and frustration.  I banged on the door while shouting "What the hell Dawn!"

She started to play music and singing along loudly acting as if I wasn't even there. I started to bang louder until my Mom came up the stairs with my little brother Brook behind.

"Kaitlin, why are you banging on the door and screaming" Mom furrowed. 

"Because I need to get ready" I sighed. "I'm going to be late"

Brook scoffed. "You're late every single day anyway. I don't think the school will notice"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Stop talking, before I make you"

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