Level 24: SURPRISE!!

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Level 24: SURPRISE!!  

"I swear Lucy if you don't get your foot out of my face, I'm going to rip it off. You know I hate feet" I groaned and pushed her foot away aggressively.

"If you haven't noticed Kaitlin, the tent is so small it's suffocating. So, you're going to have to deal with my little foot," she said then moved her foot back into my face. "In your face"

"Lucy, I really wasn't joking. I will rip your foot off" I snapped, pushing it away again.

"If you don't like my foot by your face. Get out of the tent" Lucy snapped back.

"I swear to God if you guys don't shut the fuck up! I will rip both of your heads off your body. I'm trying to sleep" Emily shouted.

And you thought I was aggressive when someone woke me up when I'm sleeping?

"Okay okay." Lucy laughed and moved her feet in the other direction. I laid back onto my pillow and sighed.

This could possibly, wait no, is the worst sleep I've ever had. I would legit rather sleep on a thousand needles then sleep in the tiniest tent, in the freezing cold with two other girls.

When I finally closed my eyes, slowly drifting back to sleep, the irritating voice boomed through the tents.

"STUDENTS WAKE UP. OUR FLIGHT IS IN TWO HOURS AND THERE are 142 STUDENTS HERE! GET UP! QUICK" Principal Devans shouted. I groaned and rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"I don't care if I'm basically sleeping on mud. 5 more minutes." I moaned and put my pillow over my head.

"If we miss the flight then we won't be able to get back home until next week!" Principal Devan's shouted.

"Hell. No" We said simultaneously. We packed all our camping stuff away and literally jumped out of the tent.

"How the hell do you disassemble a tent?" Lucy yelled.

"I don't care. We're doing it my way" I hissed. Lucy and Emily stepped back and furrowed. I started to stamp on the tent vigorously. I heard a few snaps and rips, but I kept stamping.

"Stop standing there and help!" I said to my friends. They sighed deeply and helped me stamp on the tent.

The things you do to get home.

"Okay, it's flat." Emily panted. She folded the tent in fours, so it looks like we actually did it.

"Principal Devans how long do we have now? Lucy asked.

"You have 50 minutes. Get to your cabins and get your stuff ready" he said to Lucy. "We are leaving in 1 hour. Get up and get ready." He shouted at the rest of the students rushing around their tents.

"Do you really have to shout?" Leon grunted while climbing out of his tent. His hair is all messy and his eyes looked swollen from exhaustion. Yet he still pulls it off beautifully. He turned his head and caught me staring.

"See you on the plane baby girl" he smirked at me then winked and crawled back into his tent with the boys.

"Mr. Miller, we are going to be late. Get out of your tent" Devans shouted.

"Yeah and we're trying to sleep. So, shut up." Leon shouted from his tent. Devans sighed and walked away.

How he always get away with everything is just unbelievable.

"Kaitlin, come on." Lucy dragged my hand and we raced back to our cabin.

"Sweet Jesus, an actual mattress" I grinned and jumped onto the bed.

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