Level 23: Camp Trip Part 2

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Level 23: Camp Trip Part 2

"Come on Lynch. Are you seriously not going to talk to me?" Leon said for the one-thousandth time. We are collecting our hiking equipment ready for our hike up the mountain. 

"You went too far Leon" I deadpanned while putting on my coat.

"It was a harmless prank" he shrugged. "You're just taking it too far"

"Leon. You wrapped us up like a burrito and put thousands of spiders in our room. Thousands of spiders." I said flatly.

"Oh well. You wanted a prank war, there you go. What are you going to do to get me back?" he smirked and hugged me from behind.

"Silent treatment clearly isn't working" I elbowed his stomach and turned to face him to see his hurt face, but he just laughed at my attempt.

Is he freaking made of stone?!

"But don't worry. I'll have something" I smacked his chest and smiled sarcastically, then, turned away to get to our small briefing on the logs.

"Great, y'all are finally here. Now we had a little mishap yesterday resulting in 'spiders'." The boys snickered behind me. "This camp was for y'all to be getting along. Another one of these and y'all will be punished, so because of your recent events, y'all will be working with your opposing teams instead of against." Wendy said. Everyone moaned and retorted back.

"Quiet down! Does everyone have their hiking equipment on?" Principal Devans asked.

"Yes," we all replied.

"Good. Walk in two's with your group and let's get going before we miss sunrise" Wendy instructed and started the trail up the long mountain.

"Hey, Wendy!" Emily shouted.

"Yes?" she turned around and stopped.

"How long will the walk be?" She asked.

"About 30-40 minutes maybe" Wendy shrugged.

"Omg. I woke up to see stupid colours in the sky" I groaned and rubbed my tired eyes. 

"Problem Miss Lynch?"

"Problem? The fact that I was picking spiders off me since 3 in the morning, then the minute I close my eyes when they're all gone. I was woken up just to see colours in the sky only for about 2 minutes! In the freezing cold. In the dark. This is such bullsh- OUCH" I rubbed my arm and glared at Lucy because she pinched me. She gave me that shut the fuck up look.

"Did I do it again?"

"Yes, now shut up" Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Partner up and stay together. It's really dark right now so please, keep together. If necessary, partner up with a boy, boys, look after the girls which are in your group. Leggo" Wendy said.

Girls CAN look after themselves you know.

Lucy looked at Cameron, expecting him to turn around to ask her, but he looked at Emily instead.

"Emily, Do you want to be my partner?" Cameron smiled, even in the dark, I could still see Lucy's hurt face.

"Erm, but what about-" Emily turned her head to Lucy and furrowed. Lucy smiled at her and waved it off

"Oh. Yeah. Sure" Emily smiled and linked her arm with Cameron. He grinned in response.

"Hey Carebear" someone tapped me on my back. I turned around and saw Charlie.

"CHARLIE!" I screamed and jumped into his arms. "Oh gosh, I've freaking missed the hell out of you. I'm so sorry that I snapped at you. I was hungry and I- "

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