Level 40: I Killed Him

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Level 40: I Killed Him

"L-L-Leon?" I whimpered. Both of them weren't moving, but the blood is coming from somewhere.

"Leon, are you okay?" he finally gasped for air and pushed Seth off him.

I shot Seth.

"Kaitlin, it's going to be okay" his voice came out dry and husky as looked at me then back to Seth.

"I killed him," I blinked while looking down at my shaking blood-stained hands. I choked on a sob and stared at Seth's body, so still and frozen despite the flow of blood pouring out of him.  Leon walked over and crouched in front of me, blocking me from the sight. 

"It's going to be okay" he repeated and went to touch me but I flinched away.

"Don't touch me! I'm a murderer, I'm no better than him" I cried.

He grabbed my face softly,  "Kaitlin look at me!" I slowly turned to him. "You are nothing like that bastard, and he deserved everything he got. Now, we need to get you to the hospital. You're losing too much blood"

"Okay," I hiccupped. 

"I'm going to go get the boys. They're just downstairs, keeping guard and waiting for the ambulance. Okay?" 

"No" I clutched on his arm and begged. "Please don't leave me alone- with him. Please" he looked me up and down and frowned.

"I promise, I won't ever leave your side again" He gently shuffled me around so that I laid on his lap.

"I love you, Kaitlin"

"I love you too" for the first time, I smiled. Then, blacked out again.


"Shush, guys she's waking up" I heard someone whisper. I slowly opened my eyes and saw my whole family staring at me, in a hospital room.

"Oh thank God you're okay Katie" Mom sighed and wiped her tears.

"Hey guys" I smiled at each of them, I swallowed down a sob that threatened to release as I thought I'd never see them again. 

"I'm going to go and get the doctor," Alex said and walked out.

"Are you in pain?" Brook frowned.

I tried to move swiftly but I winced in pain, "Yeah, a lot of pain. What's wrong with me?"

"Bruised skull, 4 fractured ribs, a broken one and you have a couple of bruises here and there, but the doctor said that they will heal naturally." Mom wiped the tears falling again, and grabbed my hand. 

"Seriously" I sighed

"Don't worry, Alex and I are going to find who did this to you" Ky smiled and held my hand.

Images of me squeezing the trigger and shooting Seth crossed my mind. I recoiled and let go of both their hands. God, what are they going to think of me when they eventually find out what I did. I failed everyone. 

"I don't think that's possible" I muttered. "How long have I been here for?"

"You've been unconscious for about 18 hours," Mom said.

"Is Leon here?"

"He was here all day. We had to force him to get out of here and get some food. He didn't want to leave your side." Brook smiled comfortingly.

I smiled softly at the thought. He said he would never leave my side.

"How long has she been awake for" Leon burst through the door and locked his eyes with mine. 

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