Level 27: I Like Leon Miller

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Level 27: I Like Leon Miller.

"Girls, I have brought you here today as we need to seek our beautiful, malicious, evil, spectacular, amazing-"

"Kaitlin, get on with it. It's 5 am and we're at Starbucks instead of our beds" Emily grunted, and Lucy nodded her head in agreement.

"Fine" I shrugged. "We need to get the boys back for pulling the spider prank on us back at camp."

"Continue" Lucy slurped her drink.

"We're going to steal their clothes." I grinned. They both looked at me weirdly and I giggled.

"Look, it's going to be a hard plan, but we can pull it off. It's the coldest day in San Fran right now. So, they will be wrapped up warm today for school. They all have Track, period 4. So just before lunch, we go into the boy's locker rooms, take their clothes then run when they see us. Everyone will be let out of classes, so it will be a bigger advantage. What do you think?" I grinned.

"I didn't wake up at 4:45 for a plan that will not work" Lucy deadpanned and began to stand up.

"Wait wait wait. It will work! We all make excuses to get out, we go in the horrible boy's locker room, take their clothes. Wait outside for them to realise then run for our lives around the school!"

"I have another advantage, we can throw ice water all over them" Emily stopped in thought, "Why don't we get Charlie-"

"No" I choked. "Let's not get him involved." My voice croaked, and I bit down on my tongue. We don't need another reason for Charlie to hate me more.

Wow. I can't believe I'm using hate and Charlie in the same sentence.

"Why not?" Lucy furrowed.

I looked at them both and a wave of guilt filled me. How am I supposed to tell them that I ruined our 16-year long friendship group. 

"Because we don't need his help. We can do this on our own. Are you in or what?"

"Fine. I want to get Cameron back." Emily laughed.

"I guess so. I have calculus so it's a great way to get out of class" Lucy shrugged. "So, why couldn't you discuss this over the phone?" she yawned.

"Erm, well I was already awake" I shrugged.

It's weird knowing what your psychotic ex can do to your mind when his miles away. Probably dead for all I know.

"Well, I'm going back to bed. Night guys, see you in the morning" Emily smiled.

"Emily, you do realise that we have school in 3 hours, It's already the morning"

"It's not morning until I say it's morning, which is when I am late for school. So goodnight" she grinned and walked out of Starbucks.

"Bye Kaitlin, next time, just call me instead of summoning me out of my bed. I was having an amazing dream, I was in bed with-"

I cut her off and held my ears. "Goodbye Lucy, I don't want to know about your exotic fantasies" I exclaimed

"Fine, goodbye" she chuckled and walked out also.

Great. Now I'm alone...

Who can I call on my way back home?

"Caiden!" I yelled in excitement.

To save confusion, Caiden was my best friend while I lived in California, aka when I was with Seth.

I took out the phone and quickly dialled his number. It rang a couple of times, then he finally picked up

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