Level 42: The Messages Are Making Me Crazy

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Level 42: The Messages Are Making Me Crazy

I played with my hair while thinking about what happened at the factory. How Seth grabbed my hair then smashed my head on the ground. Now when I touch my hair, all I can remember is the tangles, the blood, the sweat and the pain which he caused me.

I grimaced and walked to my dressing table with my vanity mirror. It's funny that I have a vanity mirror yet I can't even do makeup.

"Kaitlin, if you mess this up then you will look like a potato" I said to myself before grabbing half of my hair and cutting it quickly before I wimped out.

"What the hell have I done?" I screamed.

Dawn came rushing in concerned "What's wrong?" she panicked then her eyes went wide.

"I'm fi- why are you home?" I furrowed.

"What have you done to your hair?"

"I wanted a change, and now I look worse" I pouted at my uneven cut.

"I'll help you." Dawn shrugged and walked out of the room. She came back in moments later with a towel, spray bottle and hair scissors.

She started to part my hair and cut it equally. "Are you okay Kaitlin?" She blurted out.

Mentally or physically? Although the answer is still no.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, Yesterday. I was so scared, I thought you were going crazy. I had bad cramps that's why I was at home then all of a sudden, I hear you screaming and loads of banging. I didn't know what to do" Dawn said quietly

"I'm fine now, it was just a little setback-"

"It feels like, ever since you were kidnapped. Something happened"

"Something did happen, but it's sorted now. I'm okay" I lied.

"Kaitlin, something is wrong with you" She frowned. "Tell me"

"I will, one day" I reassured. Will I though? Can't I just forget about it all and pretend it didn't happen? It's only the boys and I that know that I'm basically a criminal.

Can I live with the fact that I killed Seth? Yes, he was a controlling bastard but I would be lying if I said I never loved him. 

"Just in case something else happens, I am so so sorry for the way I was acting towards you. It was wrong of me to even think that it's your fault that Dad is dead. I'm still hurting and I had all this anger and mixed feelings, so I pushed you away. I pushed everyone away and I felt so lonely. Then, I thought I was going to lose you for good, and I felt even more lonely than I ever had. I'm sorry. Please forgive me"

My mouth flew open and I blinked a couple of times in shock. "Dawn, of course, I will forgive you. You're my baby sister and I love you" I smiled.

She sniffed and smiled back. "All finished, and it looks great"

"Woah. I look less like a potato" I gasped and felt my short hair.

No more hair getting trapped in car doors, or big knots that then needs to be cut, or my long wash days, thank God.

"Thanks, Dawn" I grinned and hugged her. The hug is awkward at first due to the fact that we haven't had any physical contact in months, but the awkwardness disappeared when she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tightly. 

"I'll just go back to my room then" she shrugged sadly.

I grabbed her arm "Why don't we have a girl's day. We've never had a day where everyone is out, and the house is peaceful"

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