Level 7: Maybe I'm The Next Hulk

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Chapter 7: Maybe I'm the next Hulk

"KAITLIN MYRA CHEWBACCA LYNCH!" someone screeched. I cringed as I looked around for the person who said my full name.

Yes, my parents thought that naming my middle name after one of the characters in Stars Wars would be great, even though it's pronounced differently. 

I swear my parents were either drunk or just delusional when they named me.

But you have to admit, Star Wars is awesome...

I closed my locker to see Emily standing there "Oh, Hi Em"

"Oh hi Em, is that all you have to say!" She scoffed.

"Why are you so mad, what did I do?" I questioned

"WHAT DID YOU DO? YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN SCHOOL SINCE MONDAY, NO TEXT, NO CALL!" She screeched. Okay, so when Emily is mad. She is mad. I covered her mouth and looked around, only a few eyes were on us.

"Emily breathe, in and out" I dragged her into a janitor closet, so she can calm down.

"Kaitlin, where were you?"

"Oh me, as in like where I was, um, I was sick, yeah I was sick" I began to fake cough, but It didn't look like she was buying it.

"You sure?"

"Posi- "before I could finish my sentence, she threw a toilet roll directly at my face. 

"Ouch, what was that for!"

"For lying to me! Do you care to explain this?" she showed me a picture on her phone of me and Leon in bed. His arm around my waist and my head snuggled into his neck.

I jumped out of my skin causing all of the cleaning stuff on the shelves to fall off. This isn't happening, this IS NOT happening! I started hyperventilating and I sunk to the floor out of shock. 

Did I not mention I'm claustrophobic?

"Are you going into crazy Katy?" she asked.

"Where did it come from? Who posted it" I forced out slowly. 

"All of the boys. Cameron, Mason, and Jake. It's gone everywhere" I stood up all the panic gone.

Now I'm just going to flip ape shit.

"I'm going to kill them!" I flung the door open and stomped my way to the Cafeteria. Everyone in the corridor kept on staring at me and whispering. Mostly the girls were calling me names and giving me dirty looks. I felt my stomach twist in familiarity, I seriously cannot go through this again, I won't be able to take it. 

I ignored them and continued to the Cafeteria. I pushed the door open and my eyes zeroed on the boys on their table. 

"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU" I screamed. They looked at me and all their smirked dropped from my expression. You see, they've witnessed crazy Kaitlin once back in freshman. Believe me, it wasn't pretty.

But hey, maybe I'm the next hulk?

Leon remained calm as always, but the boys quickly packed their stuff and ran away.

"Hell no." I grabbed Jake by the hood while Cameron and Mason managed to run away. 

I squeezed his ear "Ouch, Kaitlin you're hurting me!" he said trying to release my hold on his ear.

"Tough, now where have the boys gone"

"I don't know" I pinched his ear even harder. "Okay, okay behind the bleachers" he whined.

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