Extra Chapter #3

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Extra Chapter #3



I clutched my folder to my chest while looking at my stupid planner to find out where my lesson is. This is what I hate about moving to so many different schools: I never know where the hell I'm going. 

I also hate starting new schools because it feels like you get loads of unwanted attention. It's my first day here and I know I'll just be labeled as the new girl as if I don't even have a name. 

I was just about to figure out where I needed to go until I ended up crashing into something and falling straight on my but.

My schedule and notes scattered all over the floor along with my drink, which spilled over some of the papers. "Fan-fucking-tastic" I groaned. Could my day get any worse?

"Mind where you are going" a girl scowled.

I snapped my head up and glared at her. "Mind where I'm going? What about, sorry for making you fall"

"You bumped into us" she sneered.

I didn't even notice the boy standing next to her. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes and started to gather my paper.

Suddenly, the boy bent down and started to help me pick up my paper. I locked eyes with him and furrowed slightly. His chocolate brown eyes stared straight back at me and his eyebrows are slightly raised.

Wow. He's attractive and I mean attractive.

"Ew, What are you doing S-" before she could finish her sentence he looked at her then her face paled.

He turned back to me and smiled. "Are you the new girl?"

I continued to stack my papers quickly as everyone around us is watching. Do you see what I mean? Unwanted attention. "Unfortunately"

He picked up my wet paper and shook some of the water out "I'm Seth" he grinned.

I picked up the rest of my papers and stood up. "You didn't have to help me"

"I'm in a good mood" he shrugged.

"It's Monday" I crinkled my nose in disgust. "No one should be in a good mood"

"I like Monday's" he smiled "It's the start of a new week"

His smile looks warm and bright, but what he just said literally sounds like scratching a chalkboard. "You're psychotic then" I crinkled my nose.

He tilted his head to the side slightly and continued to bore his eyes into my soul. "What's your name?"


Suddenly Caiden rushed beside me and grabbed my shoulders. His eyes widened at Seth then back at me. "Sorry Seth, she's new and didn't mean to bother you"

"She knocked into him and didn't say sorry to him or me" The girl sneered.

I looked away from Seth's heavy gaze and looked at the girl. "I don't owe anyone an apology" I shrugged. "Who stands in the middle of a corridor?"

"We do, and we can" The girl crosses her arms and narrows her eyes at me

"Are you royalty? Do I bow down to you? Or should I courtesy?"

"KK" Caiden exclaimed and squeezed my shoulders.

"Ouch! Caiden stop" I exclaimed. He looked at me as if he is trying to say something but he just looked constipated.

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