Level 29: Cash me Outside How Bout Dat!

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Level 29: Cash Me Outside How Bout Dat! 

Cameron P.O.V

"Something about Kaitlin is bugging me. There's something or someone that is scaring her" Leon suddenly blurted out. "I need to find out what." 

"Dude, poking in a girl's history is not good. She'll tell you in her own time" I shrugged.

"It was something that that Caiden boy said," he said. "I'm gonna ask- "

"She's still passed out upstairs. She doesn't need you freaking out around her" Jake said.

"That's true," Mason said while taking the brownies out of the oven. "Maybe you should-"The sound of Kaitlin screaming cut him off.

Leon jumped out of his chair instantly and ran up the stairs into the room like the speed of light.

"Kaitlin. Ssh. You're okay, stop screaming and wake up!" we heard Leon's faint voice in the room above us. Her screams died down then we heard sobbing.

"What do you think wrong with her?" Mason whispered and sat down at the table.

"I don't know, but it's none of our business so shut up," Jake said. 

"Just act normal. We don't need her feeling uncomfortable when she comes down" I said.

"Hello boys" Kaitlin smiled as she walked into the kitchen.

We all turned and looked cautiously. Her hair is messy, her hazel eyes are puffy and swollen and her face looks flustered.

Mason kept on staring at her as she walked over to the fridge so I kicked him in the shin which made him hiss in pain.

"Stop staring at her dick face" I mouthed. He rolled his eyes and continued to eat his breakfast

"Looking for something Katyboo?" I furrowed as I watched her digging in the refrigerator

"Erm yeah," she took out a bottle. "Tequila" she smiled and drank a long swig.

"Kaitlin, I don't think you should drink that so early in the morning," Leon said and walked over to her.

"Watch me" She picked up some peanut butter and a large spoon then sat down at the table.

"Are you okay Kaitlin?" Mason asked.

"Fantastic" she smiled. Leon sat down opposite her and finished his breakfast.

"So, plan for today?" Mason said while still staring at Kaitlin.

I kicked him in the shin again. "Will you fucking stop!" he hissed.

"Whoops my foot must have had a spasm," I said through gritted teeth. Leon looked at us weirdly.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm down for getting drunk" Kaitlin grinned.

"I'm loving this Kaitlin" I laughed and gave her a high five. Leon glared at me and grunted.

"We could invite the girls over?" I shrugged.

"You just want to see Emily" Mason teased and threw bacon at me.

"Sometimes I want to kill you, you know?" I snapped.

"Likewise" Mason rolled his eyes.

"Will you guys shut up" Jake snapped.

"Someone's moody" I muttered. "Anyway, invite the girls for Kaitlin then we can have a few drinks, play some games then they can crash here if they want"

"I'm down" Leon shrugged. "Kaitlin what do you-" He looked over to where Kaitlin was sitting and furrowed until he saw her by the tabletop.

"Kait, what are you doing?" he said.

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