Extra Chapter #1

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Extra Chapter #1

I feel like shit. Literally. I don't even know why, I mean, I did 'attempt' to cook casserole yesterday since Leon has been showing me how to cook over the years, but I don't think it was that bad to poison anyone. Leon is fine, but me? It's a whole big fat no. 

I rolled around in the bed and groaned out loud enough for Leon to hear. Moments later the shower turned off and he walked out of our bathroom.

"Are you still feeling sick Peaches?" he frowned while drying his hear with a towel.

He's standing there, dripping wet with only a towel loose around his waist and I don't even have the energy to drool and feel hormonal. God, I must be fucking dying. 

"Yes, my stomach is literally spinning, and my head is hurting so bad" I complained while covering my face with a pillow.

"It must be food poisoning. Did you pretend to eat my cooking again?" I scowled.

"I only did that once!" he exclaimed as he put on his clothes. "Are you going to hold that against my head forever?"

"Yes. Yes I will"

"Your casserole tasted fine. I actually liked it" he chuckled.

The thought of the casserole made my stomach spin twenty times faster. It feels like I'm going to puke my goddamn guts out. I groaned louder and clutched on my stomach.

Leon walked over to the bed and sat down. He grabbed my hands and slowly pulled me up. I groaned and fell right onto his body.

Great. Motion sickness.

He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. "Is it getting worse? Should we go to the hospital?"

I slowly sat up and opened my eyes. His green eyes looked at me concernedly and he moved my hair behind my ear.

"No. I'll be fine, it's only food poisoning. I'll drink some water and get some rest" I shrugged.

"I'll call work and tell them I'm not coming in so I can look after you. I can make homemade soup for you and get you medicine" he frowned.

I smiled slightly. "I'll be fine. I want to be alone anyway, so I can sleep it off"

He continued to frown "Kaitlin-"

"Honestly Leon, I'll be fine. You're going to be late for work. Go" I laid down and closed my eyes.

He sighed while putting the blanket over my body. "I'll be calling you every second. Okay?" he kissed my forehead and walked out of our bedroom.

The moment our front door closed, I instantly regretted not being selfish and letting him look after me. I ignored my selfish thoughts and drank some water. Sleep is the best kind of medicine out there so I'll just sleep until Leon comes home, which will literally be like 10 hours away.

10 hours of undisturbed sleep, hallelujah 


Someone is banging on my fucking door. I said, 10 hours of undisturbed sleep, yet someone is banging ON MY FRONT GODDAMN DOOR. If someone is trying to rob my apartment and kill me, can they at least do it silently...

I yelled out in frustration while throwing my blanket on the floor and stomping to my front door. I opened the door and it slammed into the wall.

Emily and Cameron stood there grinning. "What?" I growled.

"Well hello to you too" Emily scoffed and walked inside the apartment. Cameron grinned and followed with something in his hand.

I rubbed my aching head and closed the door. "Leon said you weren't feeling well, so he sent us to make you feel better," Cameron said.

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