Level 31: Don't Tell Me To Calm Down! Leon Is Missing

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Level 21: Don't Tell Me To Calm Down, Leon Is Missing!

"Alright Mom, see you later" I called while opening the door.

"Get back here and come and eat breakfast" She hollered. I grunted then closed the door back and walked into the kitchen.

"Where are you going so early?" Brook said.

"Leon's driving me to school" I replied while sitting down and eating some toast.

"You was about to leave the house without eating. Are you feeling okay?" Brook furrowed.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine," I said with my mouth full,  "And I was going to get breakfast on the way to school, of course"

"Of course you were" he shook his head and chuckled.

"Brook hurry, remember I have to get to work early" Mom urged.

"Okay mother, I heard you the last time" Brook groaned then picked up his cereal bowl and drank the milk. Some of it dripped down his chin and onto his shirt which made me grimace. 

"Gross, do you not know where your mouth is?" he shrugged his shoulders and continued to drink it. I rolled my eyes and looked at my Mom.

"Why do you have to get to work early?" I asked

"Carren is not going in so I have to make up the time."

"Why isn't she going in? Is she okay?"

She froze slightly and a shadow crossed her face. She gave me a weird look before shaking her head, "No. No, she's not." She frowned. "But it's something that's a touchy subject so don't pester for answers," she said while walking out the kitchen.

"Okay," I furrowed.

"Why are you awake? Normally you're still asleep" Ky yawned as he walked in the kitchen is pyjamas and ruffled his messy hair. 

"That's true. You're lazy as hell" Dawn snorted walking behind Ky, fully dressed.

Ky opened the fridge and drank the milk straight from the bottle, so Dawn pushed him and spilt it down his shirt. "You idiot! We all have to drink that milk and you haven't even brushed your teeth!" She snapped.

"Hey!" he retorted wiping it off his clothes. "Look what you did, stupid. If I want to drink the milk then I will"

"Ky, that's disgusting" Dawn took the milk and threw it in the bin.

"Dawn! What are you doing?" Ky shouted. "That was my breakfast"

"Shut up. You contaminated the milk" She exclaimed. "You drink milk with cereal or from a freaking glass Ky"

"Kaitlin, please tell your sister that she's overreacting" Ky rolled his eyes.

"I'm not involved." I held my hands in surrender and chuckled while walking out of the kitchen, leaving them to argue.

"Bye Mom, for the second time" I shouted.

"Bye, have a nice day" she yelled.

I walked outside and crossed my yard to get to his. I knocked on his door and my butterflies came back.

It's only been one night, and I already miss seeing him...

The door opened and there stood Carren. She's still in her pyjamas; her eyes are swollen and her face is pale like a ghost.

I blinked, "Are you okay?" 

Carren smiled weakly and wiped at her tear-stained face. "Oh Kaitlin it's you, sorry dear today's a rough day for us. Are you alright?" she sniffed.

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