Level 12: He Better Start Planning His Funeral.

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Level 12: He Better Start Planning His Funeral. 

"Stay where I can see you, I don't want to lose you then you go missing for hours. Again" I warned. 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm not 6" Brook rolled his eyes then ran off towards his friends so that they can play soccer. I decided to take Brook to the park because...

a) I'm the best sister ever.


b) I felt like being nice.


c) There are cute skater boys.

That's the one.

I sat on the bench and put on my ray bans, okay let me get this clarified. If there was a class for stalking. I'd have A*'s

A dog suddenly charged towards me and started licking my whole face. "YOU'RE SO CUTE!" I cooed. When I calmed the dog down, I looked around the park for his owner. I put my shades on my head and stroked the dog. "Maybe I can take you to my house?"

Is dognapping a thing? I hope not.

"Kaitlin?" someone said. I narrowed my eyes to see who called then gasped when I saw who it is.

"MASON!" I cheered. The dog started barking viciously at Mason who backed up alarmed. How could he be scared of this cute innocent dog?

Okay, he might be big but he's still cute.

"You found him" Mason frowned.

"Wait, this is your dog?" I exclaimed

"Unfortunately" he deadpanned.


"What do you- wait, you purposely tried to lose him" I furrowed. "I was just about to dognap him"

"Well, not technically but yes. But it's not my fault. He belongs to my brother since it's only him and my parents which it loves, but the dog hates me. So, I was going to let him go and wander for a while. I was going to find him later but, you've already done that for me." he rambled.

"How dare you treat this little dog so vile!" I laughed while punching his arm softly.

"Hey! He's a demon. I hate that dog!" he sighed. 

He closed his eyes and leaned back on the bench. "What's up Masey?" I sat crossed legged and faced his way.

He stared at me with a troubled expression. The same one he's been showing me for a while now. "Nothing"

"Oh, come on, you can tell me. Especially if its relationship advice. I'm the best at that even though I'm not in a relationship but-"

"Do you remember the day before we went to the beach? The day you went off with Leon" he interrupted.

I blinked. "No, not really. I remember bits and pieces like, at school or the ga-" I paused and bit my lip. I don't need to go exposing mine and Leon's stupid game which we're barely doing.  "No, I don't remember much" I shook my head.

"You remember nothing that happened with Leon?"

"What does this have to do with Leon?" I furrowed as he started tugging on his hair.

"Try and remember Kaitlin, I don't want to have to do this" he pleaded and took my hand. Okay, this is getting way too weird.

"I don't remember anything Mason. Leon said nothing happened so I kind of just forgot about it" I shrugged. 

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