Level 37: Seth Is Going To Kill Me Tomorrow

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Level 37: Seth Is Going To Kill Me Tomorrow 

Prom. Prom is the worst thing to exist right now, especially Prom shopping. I just don't understand how spending hundreds of dollars on dresses could possibly matter at this moment, sure it could have been fun before everything went to shit, but now... I'd honestly pluck each eyelash out than do this. 

"I'll try to find you some shoes or something Kaitlin" Charlie smiled at me.

"I don't want shoes. I want a burger." I rolled my eyes.

"Burger it is" he ruffled my hair which earned him a glare in return from me, then left the shop. I turned back to the stupid rail of dresses. 

"Guys, I really don't want to go to Prom" I groaned at my best friends.

"And I really don't want to have this conversation again" Lucy didn't even look up from the dresses, "You're coming Kaitlin"

"I don't have a date" 

"So what? I don't have a date either" Emily shrugged then bit her lip nervously. 

"Bullshit. I guarantee you that Cameron will ask you" I snorted. 

"Prom is tomorrow Kaitlin, I doubt it" she frowned.

"Emily, Cameron is obsessed with you. It's a matter of fact" 

"If I remember clearly, you said and I quote 'the boys don't date', remember? The first time we all met properly" 

I smiled as much as I could at the memory. Cameron forgot the tickets and we ended up at the pizza parlor. That was also when Leon and I were getting closer, and I was jealous of the stupid waitress. The smile left as soon as It came. We haven't hung out with the boys outside of school for weeks, it's not safe enough. 

"People change, a lot has changed. He will ask you" I reassured her then turned to Lucy, "Please can I at least sit down. I'm going bored out of my mind" 

"Look for a dress then, Kaitlin" Lucy finally looked at me and glared. 

"I don't want a dress. I want to stay at home, in my bed, in the dark, with food" 

"You're going to prom Kaitlin, it's our last ever one. Senior prom. Also, our first prom together since middle school" Lucy exclaimed.

I sighed, she knew she won as a wide grin spread across her face. 

"Wow, guilt-tripping me into going to prom. Classic" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Emily yelled.

"To find a stupid dress" I yelled back which earned a glare from an employee.

"Why can't Prom be laid back?" I sighed to myself while flicking through dresses "Why do you have to wear a dress? Why can't you wear sweats or trainers? Who even invented Prom?" I exclaimed and threw the dress on the railing, not bothering to even put it back.

I tried to turn around and walk to a different railing, but I accidentally slipped on the end of the gown. I yelped in surprise as I was about to fall until familiar hands gripped me by my waist and back. 

His hoodie covered most of his face, but I still saw his piercing green eyes looking at me concerned and confusingly "Hi"

"Hey" I furrowed. "What are you doing here?" Leon gently pulled me back up and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Cameron came to ask Emily to Prom" I turned my head to the side as I heard squealing, Emily jumped in Cameron's arms and hugged him tight as she held her big bouquet of flowers and poster that he gave her.

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