Level 5: Game initiated

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Level 5: Game Initiated

I kept running. As if my life depended on it because it did. I'm surrounded by darkness, but as I keep running, it keeps getting darker.

The longer I'm with him, I continue to go on a dark path of destruction. I have to get away from him. 

"Why are you running away? You love me. Don't you" he appeared out of nowhere, right in front of me.

"Please. Don't" I begged.

His eyes darkened, as he wrapped his hands around my throat, just like he did the day I was going to leave California.

But I'm not in California, I'm back. I'm home. I'm safe. This isn't real Kaitlin. WAKE UP.

He continued to squeeze tightly on my neck. My eyes rolled back and soon, everything was just black


I bolted out of bed and rubbed my neck. It's not real Kaitlin. It was just a dream. A nightmare. I repeated this to myself as my heart beet finally returned to normal. 

I sighed as I felt a headache occur, which is one of my beautiful side effects of having nightmares. I laid back on my bed, ready to go back to sleep until I realised...

It's Monday morning and I have school.

Why did this earth have to be cursed and even have Mondays created?

But Kaitlin you have, Barbie dolls, the devil reincarnated, teachers and Leon the asshole.

What could go wrong?


"Kaitlin you horse's ass, get up you're late" Alex shouted from across the hall. I groaned, got out of my beautiful bed, and flung the door open.

"If you shout any louder I swear to god I'll rip your tongue out with my bare hands" I growled. He smirked and went down the stairs fully dressed.

Oh shit. If Alex is dressed, I'm definitely late.

I quickly showered and got dressed. I don't understand why people think getting ready for school is so hard. I just throw on whatever is clean.

That just happened to be a pair of black skinny jeans, a random t-shirt, and a jacket. I looked at my hair in disgust in the mirror. Even after 3 washes, it still smelled. I cursed under my breath while braiding it in two french braids. 

I grabbed my backpack and phone then ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Okay okay, I'm ready.  Let's go" I looked up and the kitchen was empty. Great. There's a note on the refrigerator.

You took too long, walk to school. DO NOT BE LATE!!! Love you, Mom.

I groaned out loud and walked to the front door with my head low. I swear, next time I have to go to school by myself, I'll be crawling my way there. I absolutely hate walking. 

I opened the door and looked up to the grey clouds and prayed to Mother Nature that she's not going to PMS and rain on me.

God, I really need my car back.


Surprisingly, I got to school at the scrape of the bell. I walked to my locker and took out my textbook to put them in my backpack. I closed my locker door and a group of bimbos suddenly popped up.

"Jesus Christ" I jumped and clutched at my heart.

"You are such a slut" the blondie said.

"Excuse me?" I panted, trying to get my breath back.

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