Level 14: I Only Wanted Pizza!

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Level 14: I Only Wanted Pizza!

"Lynch, if you don't shut that baby up then it won't be the only thing getting thrown out the window" Leon growled. 

We are on our way to get the supplies for the baby at a store, but this stupid doll won't stop crying.

At least we're talking.

"I can't help it! You stop it from crying" I pushed the doll towards him when we got to a stop sign.

"Get that thing away from me!" he flicked it away.

Well, arguing.

After getting the assignment, I got him to agree to forget everything that happened today. With reluctance, he rolled his eyes and grunted fine. So here we are, my memory still fractured and arguing. 

"That thing has a name" I snapped while rocking the doll to stop crying.

"For the last time. You're not calling it Pikachu!" he deadpanned and rolled his eyes.

"Why not? Pikachu is an awesome name." I whined.

I'm sorry but if it's a crime for a 17-year-old girl to be addicted to Pokemon go then arrest me.

"No, it's not. We're calling it the name I wanted"

"WE ARE DEFINITELY NOT CALLING THE BABY PENIS!" I shouted over the doll's cries.

"That's a way better name than Pikachu!" he retorted.

He's unbelievable. Like, who calls a baby penis? So if we have another doll that's a girl, are we supposed to call her vagina?

Penis and Vagina, what a loving family.

"Ha, good one" I laughed sarcastically.

"Look, can you just shut it up?" he pleaded and ruffled his already messy hair.

"Can't you see I'm trying? Babies do not like me, real or not" I shrugged. He snorted at my comment.

"You're a girl, babies like girls. Girls deal with babies. Men watch football." He stated.

"Oh, how sexist are you, Miller" I rolled my eyes and started to shake the baby just to shut up, but it just cried harder.


"Fine, you and I switch places. I'll drive" I demanded. Then he started to break out into an uncontrollable laugh.

It's the first time he's shown a positive emotion since school. 

"First of all" he glanced at me and held a finger up "You're not driving my car, Second of all you can't drive and-"

"I CAN DRIVE!" I cut him off.

"You didn't let me finish. You can't drive anymore because I know what you did" he smirked. I stiffened all over and blushed. Crap. My mom ratted me out. Beautiful, just beautiful.

"Look it's not my fault. He was just there, and I was angry." I exclaimed in an awkward tone.

"You ran over someone?!" he laughed.

"Well. No. In fact, Not technically. I was just angry. No... I didn't actually run him over. As much as I wanted to. But. I didn't fully have my license- just know he had it coming for him" I shrugged.

"And who is this unfortunate man"

"My ex" He pressed on the breaks hard resulting in me to bump my head into the dashboard and the still crying baby to fly out of my arms.

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