Level 16: Hangovers, Fights, and Prison cells

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Level 16: Hangovers, Fights, and Prison cells.

"Kaitlin!" someone shouted in the distance then jumped on me. 

 I flinched and turned around. "Don't talk to me, I haven't had my coffee and you're shouting" I rolled my eyes and continued walking to my locker.

"I lost you at the party, where did you go?" Charlie asked while he kept up with my fast pace. To be honest, everybody who went to the party yesterday looked like crap today.

Some were crying

Some were still hyper

Then everyone else has a hangover.

The joys of having a hangover then having to go to school in the morning.

Why's that? Because the whole student body was so happy and excited on Wednesday (the day before the party) that the teachers found out.

So, if nobody went to school today they would get expelled.

Fun school, right?

"Nowhere" I replied flatly. 

It turns out that I didn't consume enough alcohol because I remember every single thing about what happened with Zach.  It's the only thing I can remember. What scares me the most is the possibility of seeing him at school. What if he finds me and finishes what he started? For the 3rd time... I shiver at the thought. 

"Are you cold?" Charlie questioned. We finally reached my locker. I tore it open, looking for aspirin.

"UGH," I groaned. Why today of all days Kaitlin. Why! I slammed my locker closed and sunk to the floor putting my knees to my head.

"What's wrong carebear?" I smiled at the childhood nickname which Charlie called me.

"Nothing. I just have a hangover"

"You drank last night?"

"Unfortunately" I stood back up and stretched.

"Well I have to get to class so I'll see you later" Charlie hugged me goodbye then walked off. I started walking in the other direction until strong hands pulled me into the janitor's closet.

Shit, he found me.

"Please don't hurt me!" I flinched away and covered my head with my hands.

"Kaitlin, it's me" I lowered my hands and saw Leon looking at me worryingly. 

"Sorry" I quickly turned away from his gaze and fiddled with my hands. 

"Sorry? Kaitlin, you're scared to death. Can you tell me what happened? Please" he asked, staring at me until I looked back. 

"I remember what happened that day," I said abruptly. 

He shoved his hands in his pockets and gave me an unreadable expression. "I thought we moved on-"

"No" I cut him off. "I remember what actually happened. Last night- and it scared me. That's it" I lied., "I need to get to class" I reached for the door before he could say anything but he grabbed my wrist.

"You don't have to be scared, Kaitlin. He won't be coming back" 

But he did come back. Moments from that night made my eyes start to water and I couldn't keep it in anymore. 

"You know what Leon, I am scared. Do you know why? I've been harassed. Twice. I try to have fun, but everything always gets ruined. I'm always the cause of it.  What's going to happen when Za-"I cried but quickly shut up when I nearly blurted out his name.

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