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Tomorrow is the day for Yeji and Soobin to go on their couple trip. I'm really trying my best not to think about it but it's hard. Soobin is telling me about it. Yeji is telling me about it. I've become the person they go to when they want to talk about each other or seeking advice for each other.

I must have done something really bad in my past life to be in this kind of hell.

I've decided that after the party, I'll move back in with the Lee's. If this is something I really want to forget then I have to do everything I can to make it happen.

I'm at work when my phone rings through my headphones. I look at my phone and it's Yeji.

"Haechan, can I take my break early?" I ask and he just gives me a thumbs up. Heejin gives me a look to make sure if I'm okay.

I go outside to call her back.

"Hello? Is this Ryujin?" A man's voice answers the phone.

"Yes. Who's this? Where's Yeji?" I ask.

"She won't stop crying. We're trying to talk to her so we just asked if we could call someone on her phone."

"What happened?"

"There's been an accident. Can you come here? We can't communicate with her" the man says.

"Of course. I'll be right there. Where are you?"

He gives me the address and it's not far from my work. It's only about ten minutes away.

I go back in and inform Haechan that I'm leaving. I don't allow him to give me an okay because I'm leaving whether he says it's okay or not.

I drive to the location as quick as I can. I couldn't go past where they closed the road. How bad is this accident? I get out and run instead. Right now, I'm just worried about Yeji.

A cop stops me, "You can't come in here."

"Yes I can. My friend is in there and they called me to come so let me through" I say.

"Just let her" the other cops says.

I run until I can find Yeji. There's police cars, firetrucks and ambulances.

I finally find Yeji sitting on the ground with her head between her knees.

"What happened?" I ask the guy standing next to her.

"A truck plowed through traffic here. Luckily no one is seriously hurt. I think she's scared though. Her car got sent into that ditch" he points at where Yeji's car is that looks totaled.

I squat in front Yeji, "Hey, I'm here. You're okay."

"She's been crying. She's probably in shock" the guy says.

I look up at him, "Thank you."

"Yeji" I say as she continues to cry.

"Did they check on her yet?" I ask the guy.

"Yes, she doesn't seem to have serious injuries. She might be bruised from her seatbelt. That's about it" he explains.

"Thank you, sir" I say again and now completely focusing on Yeji.

"Can you look at me, Yeji? I'm here" I softly say.

She finally looks up and she throws herself at me once she sees me. I wrap my arms around her as tightly as I can. This is not the time for me to worry about my feelings. Yeji needs someone right now.

"You're okay. I'm here" I continue to say while rubbing her back.

"I was so scared. I didn't have control of my car and the next thing I know I'm in a ditch. There were branches that broke through my windows and I was so scared it would impale me" she cries.

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