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The following day, I wake up being in Yeji's arms. I savor this moment because I feel at peace compare to yesterday. I love this feeling of comfort right now.

I carefully move so I can face her. I smile watching her sleep. Call me creepy, I don't care. I can be her creep.

"I love you" I whisper even if she can't hear me.

"I love you too" she says with her eyes closed.

I back away from her, "What the fuck!? You're awake?"

She opens her eyes while chuckling, "Yep, I've been waiting for you to wake up."

"That's creepy" I say.

"Says the one who just watched me sleep" she smiles.

"You weren't sleeping so it doesn't count" I sit up.

"Where are you going? Stay in bed with me" she pouts.

"Thank you for yesterday, Yeji. I think I was able to stop myself from completely breaking down because you were there. You kept comforting me" I say.

"I'm always here for you, Ryujin" she sits up now too.

"If you were in my shoes, what would you do about my mom" I ask.

I'm torn with what I want. She hurt me a lot. She turned her back on me but then she didn't completely turned her back on me. Do  I give my mom a second chance? A part of me wants to because Yuna said she'll follow my decision but I think Yuna is okay with our mom.

"I can't properly give you an opinion on that one because no matter how hard I try to imagine what you're going through, it won't be the same. What does your heart want?" She ask.

"That's the thing that I don't know about. I wanted this. My parents to apologize for abandoning. I've always imagined it but now that it's happening, I don't know" I sigh.

"Well, in your imagination, what did you do?"

"I accepted them right away" I say.

"I know in reality it's only my mom that wants a relationship with me" I add.

I don't know if i can accept her right now. I'm hurting too much every time I think about it. Also knowing that she could have stood up for me a long time ago hurts me even more.

"You don't have to make the decision right now, you know? If you're not ready then you don't have to give her an answer. The least she can do is respect that and wait for you" She states.

I feel like Yeji has a thing for waiting but it makes sense.

"Why am I even thinking about it? She still turned her back on me. Even if she helped provide a place for me, she was never there like I wanted her to be" I say.

"She's still your mom. You didn't care before because you thought she didn't care about you. But now you've learned that even though it's barely something, she did still somewhat showed that she cared. Also, since you've wanted this for so long, you want to accept her right away but your heart can't let you quite yet" Yeji explains.

"So, since so much is happening, I don't understand why you're up when you should be cuddling with me" Yeji lays back down and pulling me down with her.

How is this woman so amazing? It feels like we've been dating for so long but it hasn't been long.

"Don't leave me" I bury my face on her chest while she holds me.


"Ryujin, wake up. You need to eat something" Yeji lightly shake me by my shoulder.

I groan and turn my body. I guess I fell asleep again.

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