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"Is that Yeji?" My dad looks at us.

"Mr. Shin!" Yeji opens the door when no one did.

"You better leave, Yeji. This is none of your business" my dad states.

"It is my business. My girlfriend is my business" she walks past him to get to me.

"Are you okay?" She ask and I just nod my head.

This is not the right moment but I find her extremely attractive right now.

I came here to talk to my mom though. I didn't expect to catch them in the middle of an altercation.

"Ryujin, just leave" my mom begs.

"Then you're coming with us" I say.

"No she's not. Who gave you the right to tell her what to do" my dad spits out.

"I could ask the same to you" I talk back. Again, probably not a good idea.

"She's my wife" he answers like I'm the dumb one.

"Yea. Your wife. Not your minion that should follow everything you say."

"The cops are coming soon. You should stop this" Jisu chimes in.

"Let them come so I can report you three as trespassers."

"Wonho, don't you think this has gone too far? You're even threatening other people's children" my mom says.

I've never seen this side of my mom. She never really goes against my dad so it's weird to see her talk back to him or try to convince him to stop what he's doing.

"I want a divorce" my mom suddenly says so Yeji, Jisu and myself all turn our heads to look at her.

My dad chuckles like a maniac, "You really think I'd let you divorce me?"

"I don't know you anymore! I gave up so much for you but you keep acting like this! I ended my relationship with my mother to be with you! Even though I abandoned her, she still gave me everything after she died and I shared it with you so you and your friend could grow your business together. I've done everything for you. I've given so much but I'm only asking you to fix our family!" It hurts to see my mom break like this.

I've mentioned before that my mom and I used to be close but she could just never stand up to my dad. I guess today she's reached her limits with him.

"How can you want a relationship with her?" My dad ask.

"Its hard for me to accept her sexuality but we should still try. She's our daughter, Wonho. Don't you miss them? Yuna is working at the company but we're not allowed to talk to her. How are you okay with that? We missed so much of Ryujin's life already, I don't want to miss anymore" my mom starts crying.

I feel myself get emotional too because I wasn't aware that this is how my mom has been feeling. I didn't realize she truly wanted a relationship with me. Although, I still don't understand why it's hard to accept my sexuality.

Yeji holds my hand to comfort me.

"If you're not gonna try then I want a divorce" she adds.

"You should still get a divorce regardless of what he says. How can you stay with a man that beats you" I mumble to myself really fast but I think only Yeji heard it because she squeezes my hand.

"I can't do it. I'm also not letting you" my dad states.

"Then I'm leaving" my mom heads for the door but my dad stops her.

"You're not going anywhere!" He's angry again.

"Let me go!" My mom shouts.

"Let her go!" I let go of Yeji's hand to make him release her but since I hurt my bad hand earlier I can't do much while trying to make him loosen his grip on her arm.

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