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"Your dad is insane" Beomgyu says when I shared with them how my hand got hurt again.

"You don't even know the half of it" I say.

"It's nice that Yeji was with you though. I'm glad you finally found someone you deserve" Heejin comments.

"She still scares me. I know she's nice but I don't ever want to get on your bad side because she might come after me" Beomgyu says.

"You're just a wuss" Heejin teases him.

"I'm still your boss" Beomgyu warns her.

"Ryujin will protect me" Heejin counters.

"Sadly, yeah I will" I nod my head.

"Why is that sad? You get a girlfriend and I'm no longer your work wife? The audacity!?" Heejin pretends to be offended.

Work with these two is actually really fun. Whenever the day is slow, we just talk and tease each other. Heejin definitely likes Beomgyu better and I do too.

It really feels like my life is getting better and for some reason that really scares me. It's new to me. I look forward to the end of the day because it's usually when I see Yeji.

It does make me think of Yeji's question though. Whether if this is something I want to do as a long term job or not. I'm comfortable but does it mean it's what I want. 

"Do you two want to go out tonight? Have some dinner? Team dinner?" Beomgyu ask Heejin and I.

"I can't. I have plans. I'm supposed to meet Yeji at the company" I say.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Heejin looks worried.

"Yes. Yeji said my dad is not allowed to set foot in that building" I say.


"Yeji, where are we going?" I ask.

We're currently in the car because she said she wants to take me somewhere. 

"It's a surprise" She smiles while looking ahead. 

"Is it a good surprise or is it a surprise that's gonna send me to the hospital?" I ask.

"Why would I plan a surprise that will send you to the hospital? You know I don't like it when you're hurt" she shakes her head. 

"There's a first for everything" I try to reason out but I know she has a point.

"Well, where we're going would be a first for me" she says. 

I start to think what could that be? For some reason though, the only thing I can think of that would be her first would be her first time having sex which didn't happen with Soobin because of the accident she had. I doubt that's what she's referring to though. She wouldn't take me out in the middle of the work week just to have sex. 

"We're here" She puts the car in park and shut it off. 

"Karaoke bar?" I ask when I see the sign. 

"Is that okay?" She looks worried that I don't like it. 

"It's okay but you've never been to a karaoke bar?" 

"No, Jisu used to be really busy whenever I was free then vice versa so we never got the chance to. Then Soobin and I just never went but I've always wanted to. It always looked fun whenever I see people do it so I wanted to try it" She explains. 

"Then we will make this the best first experience you'll have in a karaoke bar" I unbuckle my seatbelt. 

I feel dumb for thinking about sex though. Good thing I didn't say anything to embarrass myself. 

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