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My first week as maintenance person went well. I've been given the position permanently now so that's exciting. At least my work life is doing better than my love life.

Yeji hasn't mentioned anything about that drunken night, making me believe that she doesn't remember it at all.

Minju has been coming over a lot too since that one night when we were playing games. Every time Yeji hears that, she comes over too. Then there will always be some weird tension between the two of them.

Yuna is doing well. She's moved on from that day. Yeji said that her dad threatened our dad that if he keeps doing that to us then he has no choice but to inform the investors about his actions. But I did tell him that he doesn't have to do that because it won't just be my dad that's gonna be affected if the inventors take their money out. Yeji and her family will suffer too.

It's Saturday and we're all going to the Lee's house. Yeji is invited too because Jisu is nervous to meet Chaeryeong's parents for the first time.

"Do I look okay? Do you think they'll like me?" Jisu shows me her outfit.

"Relax, they're really nice people. As long as you're kind to their daughters, then they'll like you" I say.

"You're really serious with Chaeryeong huh? You're willing to meet the parents" I add.

"Yea, she's so sweet and nice and understanding with me. It's hard not to fall for her. She's still getting used to being with a woman but she's getting more comfortable with it" she says.

I look up, "God, when will it be my turn?"

"You'll find yours soon, Ryu. Just hang in there" she pats my shoulder.

She gets a notification on her phone, "Yeji is here."

"Babe! Yeji is here!" She shouts calling her girlfriend.

"Yuna! You too!" I say.

We all head down to Yeji's car since she offered to drive us there.

"Hi Ryujin" she smiles at me.

"Sit up front with me" she tells me.

"Are you sure?" I ask because I assumed Jisu was gonna sit up front.

"Yes, come on. We don't want to keep Chaeryeong's parents waiting" she seems to be in a good mood.

Is this bipolar or just regular mood swings?

"Okay" I get in the car.

The drive there felt so awkward for me. I remained silent while the others talked. I just looked out the window and started contemplating my existence.

We arrive at the Lee's house, "You three go ahead. I want to talk to Ryujin first" Yeji says.

The three give her a confuse look but they listen anyways and leave.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask.

"No, there's nothing wrong. I just want to give you something" she pulls out a bag from under her seat.

I take it and open it. It's a watch.

"What's this for?" I look at her.

"I noticed that the one you wear all the time is starting to fall apart" she smiles at me.

I look at my old watch and it's true. I do wear a watch a lot, especially at work so I know what time it is. It's easier to look at it than pulling out my phone to look for the time and the clocks at work are usually not working.

"Wow, thank you. I don't know what to say" my heart is beating like crazy again.

"Put it on" she grabs my wrist and starts taking off my old watch.

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