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"That bitch dared show her face in front of you again?!" Chaeryeong slams her first on the table.

I'm home and informed Chaeryeong about seeing Eunbi earlier.

"What's crazier is, Yeji and Soobin was there. I was appreciative of Soobin but I was falling head over heels for Yeji" I share.

"Aren't you worried that Eunbi is gonna try to get back in your life?" She ask.

"She can try but I'm different now. I love Yeji and I won't fall for her tricks anymore."

"Didn't you say earlier that you didn't say a single word. It was Yeji and Soobin that did the talking for you. You got lucky you ran into her in front of Yeji's company but what if you see her and no one is around. Would you be able to stand up for yourself?" She questions me.

"That's details that we can gloss over. The important thing is I won't go back to her again because I have Yeji now. We kissed last night, Ryeong. I kissed her and she didn't push me away" I say while smiling, thinking about last night.

"It was just a kiss?" She smirks.

"We're not even dating. Why would we do more than that?"

"Because you love her" she teases and emphasizing on the word love.

"I have no problem admitting that" I chuckle.

"It's really weird though because this morning before the whole Eunbi thing. We were like actual girlfriends when I dropped her off. It felt really nice but were not girlfriends?" I say.

"Are you really okay with this whole set up you two have?" Her expression changes to being worried.

"Right now, yes. If it takes a while then maybe it will be harder. Am I being dumb for agreeing with this?" I ask.

"It's hard to tell. If it was someone else then yes I'd say you're being stupid. But it's Yeji so I don't think she would purposely hurt you."

"I still feel really happy from last night" I try to stop myself from smiling.

"You love her that much already?" She ask.

"I think so? She's the first person who's never tried to make feel bad about myself. She takes care of me. She was sad when I didn't talk to her for a whole day. No one has ever been sad because of my lack of presence."

"Then I'm happy for you" She smiles at me.


I wake up from my nap. After my talk with my best friend, I started feeling tired so I decided on a nap before Yeji gets here. I check the time and it's already 8 pm. I missed dinner.

I hear knocking on the door so I'm assuming it's Yeji. I try to change into some fresh clothes, I don't know why. It's not like she hasn't seen me at my worst.

I'm about to walk out the door when I hear Chaeryeong say something to Yeji.

"Yeji, can we talk?" She ask so I stop right at the door and decide to press my ear against the door. What does Chaeryeong want to say to Yeji?

I know this is eavesdropping and it's wrong but I'm alone in my room so only I can judge me and I say this is okay.

"What about?" Yeji ask.

"About Ryujin. She's my best friend and I have some concerns about this whole thing that's happening between the two of you."

"Okay?" Yeji seems scared.

I hear chairs moving so I'm assuming they're at the kitchen table.

"You're planning to be with Ryujin when you figure out whatever it is you want to figure out, right?" My best friend doesn't like to beat around the bush.

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