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It's been a few months but somehow Yeji and I are still not official. I thought about asking her out but I don't want her to feel like I'm rushing her.

I also celebrated my birthday so I'm now legal to drink. We had a little party at home but Yeji couldn't make it because she had to go on a business trip that weekend. It was sad but at least I should be able to celebrate her birthday with her since it's coming up soon.

I'm also back at work now. Haechan is gone so Beomgyu got promoted to maintenance manager then I convinced him to recommend Heejin to take over his spot and he agreed. So work has been fun.

I still attend physical therapy for my hand but I'm almost done with it. It's crazy how just because Haechan didn't get what he wanted, he thought it was okay to put me in danger like that.

Chaeryeong has met Jisu's parents too and it went well. I'm happy for them. A little jealous but still happy. Jisu's parents has completely accepted Jisu's career change as well. That must be nice too, having a good relationship with your parents and getting their support.

After my talk with Eunbi, she's left me alone. Even after seeing me in front of Yeji's company.

My dad has been leaving me alone too so life isn't too bad except for the fact that Yeji and I are in unknown land still.

"Hello? Earth to Ryujin" Heejin pinches my cheek.

"Ow, why did you do that for?" I rub my cheek.

"I've been talking to you about what happened to me last night and you weren't even paying attention? Now I have to repeat it."

"No!" Beomgyu exclaims, "Please no. I don't know how much more I can hear about you and your girlfriend's never ending sex."

"What the hell, Heejin?" I laugh because why is she sharing that with Beomgyu in the room.

"Ryujin, please share something so Heejin will stop" Beomgyu's eyes is filled with desperation.

"She doesn't have a sex life" Heejin says.

"Thanks for that" I roll my eyes.

"You and Yeji still aren't a thing?" Beomgyu ask.

He knows about Yeji too because they hear me question why Yeji hasn't given me the green light for us to be together on a daily basis.

"Nope" I say.

"I feel like I'd be married and have ten kids by the time you and Yeji get together" Beomgyu jokes.

"You think thats a joke but at this rate, it might become reality" Heejin comments.

"I appreciate the support guys. Top notch" I give them two thumbs up with a fake smile.

"Just rip the bandaid and just ask her where you two stand" Beomgyu says.

"What if she says she doesn't want me" I say.

"At least you'll have an answer. That's better than you questioning why she hasn't said anything" he makes a good point.

Someone knocks on the door. "Come in" Beomgyu shouts.

The door opens, revealing our subject matter.

"Yeji" I stand up and straighten out my clothes.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I have the day off and I thought I'd surprise you with lunch" she says.

"I brought enough for Heejin and Beomgyu too" she adds.

"Yeji, I have no problem eating your food but I don't think it's a good idea to have others eat for liability reasons" I say.

"Shut up" she rolls her eyes, "I didn't cook it."

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