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I wake up covered in sweat and tears. I sit up and grab my phone to check the time. It's 3 am.

I feel movement next to me.

"Are you okay?" Yeji slowly sits up.

I immediately hug her. "You're here. We're still together. We didn't break up" I say out of breath.

"Why would we break up?" She ask sounding sleepy.

I tell her about my dream. Scratch that, I tell her about my nightmare of us breaking up because of that Minho guy.

She hugs me, "That's not gonna happen, babe. Even if you acted the way you did in your dreams, I wouldn't break up with you over something like that."

"Really?" I ask to make sure I heard it right.

"But I hurt your feelings in my dreams" I sigh.

"And? No relationship will be perfect. I'm sure we're gonna hurt each other's feelings more than once throughout the course of our relationship but it doesn't mean we're gonna break up every time. Sometimes we say things without ill intentions and the other can take it the wrong way. That's why it's important that we talk to each other and not assume" she explains.

"Unless you maliciously hurt me then we can always work things out" she adds.

I'm glad I had this nightmare at the same night that Yeji is spending the night with me. She's made my life so much better ever since we were just friends.

"But it's just a bad dream so we should go back to sleep because we have to wake up in a few hours to go to work" she pulls me back down on the bed.

"You weren't upset that I was jealous of Minho?" I ask.

"No, I like that you get jealous because to me it shows that you care. Other people might find jealousy a turn off but not me. I'm not purposely gonna make you jealous though because that would just be mean. I like when things naturally happen and I think what happened with Minho was natural. He didn't know I was dating you and you just made sure he knew" she yawns.



"Does it bother you when Heejin is being touchy with me?" I ask, "Be honest, please."

She pulls me closer to her so my back is against her chest.

"At first, yea it did but after getting to know her and seeing your dynamic together then not anymore. I've come to learn that she's just a very touchy person and it's not like she's just touchy with you. I see her act similar with Beomgyu."

"Ryujin, I know you're asking because of your dream and I'm telling you right now that I'm not gonna use that against you in the future. Stop worrying. You and I are good. I love you. I love us. I trust you. I have confidence that if any girl out there tries to make a move on you then you will stop them because I know how much you love me" she says and I can hear that she's really tired.

"So please, let's go back to sleep."

"Okay but I want you to know that I trust you too" I get comfortable and close my eyes.


"Mom, what are you doing here?" I stand up when I see my mom walk into my office.

After my talk with Yeji last night, I feel a lot better today. We were late to work but that's okay. Heejin thought it's because Yeji and I stayed up all night to have sex then I had to remind her that Yeji and I haven't done it yet.

She couldn't believe it at first but I told her that there's no rush. Right now, we're just enjoying each other's company. Honestly, I don't bring it up either and I try my best to respect her boundaries.

Unknowingly YoursTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang