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It's Monday again. The weekend was pretty fun aside from Yeji and Minju being rude to each other. Minju spent the night at our place Saturday night after we got home from the Lee's so Yeji decided to spend the night too. There was a whole debacle on where everyone was gonna sleep. In the end, the three of us slept in the living room. 

The Lee's loved Jisu though. They thought she was a perfect fit for Chaeryeong which she is very much relieved to know. I guess next will be Chaeryeong meeting Jisu's parents. 

"Hey Ryujin, I have your first job to do all by yourself" Beomgyu hands me a ticket that shows the information of the machine I need to work on. 

"It's your old production line so I thought it would be perfect first job to do alone since you're already familiar with it" He smiles. 

Beomgyu has really made this job so easy to transition to. He's really showing me everything he knows. 

"Thank you" I say to him. 

"No need to thank me but you should go."

I take off with my tool bag and head out to the machine I need to work on.

"Ryujin! Long time no see" Heejin hugs me.

"You literally saw me this morning" I shake my head. 

"It's so weird that you're not hanging out with me while the machine is down. You're working while I'll be here, looking beautiful" She flips her hair and I just ignore her. Encouraging this act will do her no good. 

I look at the machine that's down. I go to the electric panel to do the lock out/tag out procedure after turning the power off. I open up the machine to get in the back. Usually, when this machine goes down, there's something wrong with the transformer. 

While working on the machine, I notice that some of the indicator lights are on which they shouldn't be because there should be no power at all. I try to get out as soon as I can but I'm too late. My hand is on top of the tooling plate, everything happened so fast but it seems like slow motion for me. 

I watch a cylinder go down and crash my hand. I try to scream but no noise comes out. I feel some throbbing pain and I feel like passing out. 

"Oh my god!" I hear Heejin shout and she presses the emergency button right away. 

Other workers gather around and I can see the shock on their faces but I can't seem to move. I don't know what happened. 

Two guys try to help get out of machine then cover my hand with a cloth and they quickly take me out to the car. I'm assuming they're taking me to the hospital. Heejin comes too to try keep me calm. I'm so close to passing out right now from the pain. 

"We're almost there" Heejin tells me. 

They take me in the hospital and I can't even focus on what's happening around me. There's so many words and people but I can only feel the pain in my hand. 

Next thing I know, a doctor is talking to me saying that I need to go into surgery to fix my hand. For some reason, I didn't believe him until they start prepping me. They take me in and hook me up. I lay there while staring at a bright light above me until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. 


I wake up, feeling groggy. 

"Ryujin" Mrs. Lee is looking at me with her soft brown eyes. 

"What happened?" My mouth feels dry. 

I remember my hand so I look down and my left hand is covered. 

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