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It's almost time to go home from work. Today kind of went slow because I have a headache from yesterday. Haechan has also been weird. He seems more strict than usual but only with me. He points out every little mistake I would make but Beomgyu would tell me it's okay because I'm still learning.

If I didn't know any better, I feel like Haechan is being bitter about me rejecting him for good. It's not like I didn't make it clear the first time I rejected him. He just chose to continue doing things for me.

"What's your plan tonight?" Beomgyu ask while we clean up.

"Not sure. Maybe go home and be lazy" I say.

"So same thing you do at work" he teases me.

"Be careful letting Haechan hear that. He might believe you and gets mad at me" I sigh.

"What is his deal? He suggested you for this job then now he's being an ass?" Beomgyu ask.

"I'm not sure" I say because I don't want to assume that it's because I rejected him.

"Well I'll see you tomorrow then. Try not to get your face slapped again" he laughs not knowing the truth about where my bruised face came from.

I'm walking out of the building when I get a call from Jisu.

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Come to the company right now. Your dad has Yuna in his office" she says.

"What? What is she doing there on a weekday!?" I run to my car.

I get in, start it then drive away in a split second.

"I don't know why she's here. I just know I saw her follow your dad to his office" she says.

"Okay, I'll be right there. Thank you for letting me know" I hang up the phone.

I drive as fast I can and hoping that no cop will see me to pull me over because I don't have time to stop. I need to make sure that Yuna is safe.

I park in front of the company, not caring if people will be unhappy. I run inside and a few people tries to stop me but I just keep on running. A couple of guards are chasing after me but I'm not about to get caught.

I make it to my dad's office and I go in without knocking. I see Yuna on her knees, holding her cheek.

"You bastard!" I charge at my father and punch him in the face.

This is the first time I've ever fought back with him physically. Not once did I ever him back from all the times he's hit me. But seeing Yuna crying with her red cheek, I lost it.

"It's not enough that you hit me? You have to do the same to Yuna!? What's wrong with you?!" I say with so much anger.

"She came here!" He says.

I turn around to look at Yuna, "Why?" I ask her.

"I want him to leave you alone. I came here to ask him that but he got so mad that I'm taking your side" she cries.

"You ruined this family Ryujin. I hope you're happy" my dad scoffs.

"I ruined it?" I turn around to face him again while I point at myself not believing what he just said, "If you think I ruined it then you have some serious issue. Do you truly believe you're the good guy here?"

"Yuna, get up. Let's go" I say without breaking eye contact with my father.

"What is the meaning of this?!" I turn around and there's Mr. Hwang standing by the door with Yeji.

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