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"Why are your eyes all puffy? Did you cry?" Heejin ask as soon as she sees me.

"No, I just slept wrong" I lie.

"Are you not sleeping well because of Yeji? You're not gonna try things with Minju?"

"Minju and I talked. We agreed it's better for us to just remain friends. It was her idea because she saw how I still have strong feelings for Yeji."

"So are you saying I shouldn't try to set you up with anyone again?"

"That's probably best. I can't let other people in when Yeji is the only name my heart screams. I swear if it wasn't attached to me, it would have gone to Yeji by now" I say.

"Drama queen, much?" She laughs at me.

"Ryujin, our boss wants to see you in his office" Haechen informs me.

I'm glad he's not being weird since I rejected him. He's actually pretty mature. If I liked guys maybe I would have given him a chance but it's just not in my cards.

"Okay?" I say because why does our boss need to see me.

"Did you do something?" Heejin ask.

"Am I gonna get punished for leaving that one day?" I ask.

"That can't be it because they already deducted that from my points" I answer myself.

"Just go, you can get in trouble for making him wait" Haechan tells me.

I go to our manager's office, expecting to get yelled at.

I knock on the door, waiting for a response.

"Come in" he says and I slowly open the door.

"Ryujin, have a seat" he gestures for me to sit on the chair across from him.

"Do you know why I called you here today?" He ask then I suddenly get flashbacks from high school whenever I got sent to the principal's office.

"Uhm no" I timidly answer.

"We have an opening for a maintenance position. Haechan suggested for you to get the position. Is this something you would be interested in?"

"Oh, yes. Definitely" I answer right away.

I can't believe this. I really didn't expect a promotion from this job.

"We really need someone in this position as soon as possible. So what do you say we give it a one week trial and if I'm happy with your performance then we can proceed" he says.

"Meet with Haechan then he will show you where you'll be working. You know he's not just the floor supervisor, he's also the maintenance manager so you will be working closely with him" he explains and I just nod my head at everything he's saying.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity" I say to him before leaving.

I go to look for Haechan but Heejin finds me first.

"What was that about?" She ask.

"I'm part of the maintenance department now" I announce.

"No way! That's awesome. Don't forget me, just a mere lineworker" she pretends to be sad.

I pinch her cheek, "I could never."

"I have to go find Haechan though" I wave goodbye to her.

I finally find him in the maintenance room.

"Hey Haechan. Boss sent me here to talk to you about the maintenance job" I say.

"Right, come on in" he walks towards a work bench and I follow him, "This is your work station and that's Beomgyu and he will be showing you how things get done" he points at another man next to my work station.

Unknowingly YoursHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin