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I'm at Yeji's place now. I feel like puking. I'm so nervous that I feel like puking. I know this is not the first time I'm meeting them but this is the first time I'm gonna be introduced as her girlfriend.

How did the development of our relationship go from unbearably slow to meeting the parents already.

"So why the sudden plans for dinner?" Mr. Hwang ask Yeji.

"I can't plan dinner with my parents?" Yeji questions him.

"You want something. What is it?"

"Honey, maybe Yeji just wants to spend time with us" Mrs. Hwang says to her husband.

"But seriously Yeji, what do you want?" She faces Yeji.

I gulp because she looks scary. She has those same fierce eyes that Yeji has. Of course, she would. That's where Yeji got it, being she is her mother.

"You know how you two always talk how I should start dating already?" Yeji says. Is that how she's gonna start this conversation?

"Yes?" Mr. Hwang seems unsure where this is going. I guess they don't think me being here right now is a big deal. They probably just think Yeji just invited me to hang out.

"I'm dating someone" Yeji announces.

Mrs. Hwang covers her mouth while gasping. Mr. Hwang is trying to read Yeji's expression.

"What's his name? Do we know him?" Mr. Hwang ask and my heart shatters when I heard him say the forbidden word, he.

"Dad, why do you assume it's a guy?" Yeji frowns.

"So he is a she?" Mrs. Hwang questions.

"Did you know about this, Ryujin?" They suddenly get me involve in their conversation.

"Uh" I can't find a single word to say.

"Relax, sweetie. We know it's you. Were just messing with you two" Mr. Hwang laughs.

"What?" Yeji and I both say.

"How did you know? We literally just became a couple today" Yeji ask.

"Really?" Mr. Hwang seems surprise by that information.

"You weren't together prior to today? But you two were acting like you were" Mrs. Hwang claims.

"So you're okay with me dating Ryujin?" Yeji wants to make sure.

"It's not ideal but we can't control who you're going to be with" Mr. Hwang says.

"Not ideal? Is it because I'm a girl?" I ask.

"No. It's because you're my enemy's daughter" he sighs.

"But they have nothing to do with each other" Yeji brings up.

"I know. Wonho is trying to kick me out of the company. I'm worried that my daughter dating his daughter might cause some issues either with you" he points to Yeji, "Or us as a family."

"Is he really that bad?" I ask. I know how he treats me but I at least thought he would be different with other people.

"How would he use me dating Ryujin against you though?" Yeji ask.

"I'm not sure but I wouldn't be surprised if he comes up with something bizarre" he answers.

"I'm sorry" I don't know why but I just felt the need to say it.

"It's not your fault. You didn't choose to have a father like him. It just infuriates me how he acted like such a good father when you were young then he stops talking about you. Then I find out one day that it's because he kicked you out" Mr. Hwang says to me.

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