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Work seems boring today. It's not that there's not much to do. There's actually a lot of work waiting for me but I just feel really bored for some reason.

I decide to walk around the building to just see what's going on. I thought about visiting where the models are at but Yeji might think I'm checking out the models since Soobin and Yuna are not in the building today.

I want to visit Yeji but she's probably busy.

"You look lost" Heejin finds me.

"I'm not lost. I'm just bored" I sigh.

"How are you bored?" She questions.

"I miss Yeji" I say.

"You're not bored. You're sulking because you're not with your girlfriend" she shakes her head.

"What's the difference? Any time without Yeji is boring. Being with Yeji is fun."

"You're still in that honeymoon phase. It will die down. Hyunjin and I enjoy each other's company but we also enjoy our alone time and we respect that" she shares.

"Do you think Yeji and I will last?" I ask since she sees our relationship from the outside. I might be blinded and bias because I love Yeji.

"I think you two work well together. You just somehow work so yea I think you'll last" she says.

"Why? Are you having doubts?" She ask.

"No. I just wanted to see what people around us think" I say.

"That's dangerous. Don't do that. If you start listening to what other people say then that might affect your relationship. That's what happens with celebrities sometimes. They said it doesn't happen but it does. Sometimes other's opinions can tear apart relationships" Heejin informs me.

"When did you become such a relationship expert?" I chuckle.

"Since always. You were just too single before to appreciate it" she teases me.

"Don't you have work to do? I should report you to Chan" I threaten her but she knows I don't mean it.

"Please, Chan is like in love with me" she flips her hair.

"You think everyone is in love with you" I laugh.

"You're right though. I should go back to work. I can't push my luck with Chan" she laughs too.

She slaps my butt before walking away.

"Heejin, we're at work!" I say loud enough but not yelling.

"No one is around" She winks and I just shake my head.

She's still touchy with me even here. It bothered Yeji a lot at first because she would do it when there's other people around so I did talk to Heejin about it.

At first, she did try to refrain herself from being too touchy with me but she's done it for so long that it became second nature to her.

Yeji eventually accepted it. She said it's something that Heejin and I have been doing for years. She said that she doesn't want to change my friendship with her, meaning how we act with each other.

I do make sure that I reassure Yeji that she's the only one I love though. Heejin's antics are just playful actions and it means nothing and she believes me.

Thinking about Yeji makes me want to see her so even though I probably shouldn't because whenever we visit each other, we don't get work done and end up cuddling the rest of the day.

I skip my way to Yeji's office, not minding the people giving me weird looks on the way.

I stop in front Yeji's door to quickly make sure that I look okay. I'm about to knock when I hear another voice in her office.

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