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A week later from the karaoke night and my hand is feeling better again. I'm able to use without it hurting so much.

This past week, I've really been thinking about my mom and whether if I want to have a relationship with her or not. I did talk to the Lee's about it for guidance since they have been like my parents.

They just told me that they can't help me decide but they'll support my choice. They also said that if I do choose not to have a relationship with my mom then I shouldn't be guilty about it. They said it's okay to be selfish at times and it's okay to put myself first.

My dad doesn't work at the company anymore. He's been completely let go which shocked me how easy that was. I thought it would be harder considering the shares that he has in that company. Was Mr. Hwang able to buy him out?

My mom did press charges and a got a restraining order against my dad. She's really following through with the divorce. I don't think she's seen him since that day he was taken to the hospital.

I'm actually on my way to the company. Yeji said her parents wants to meet me and but won't tell me why?

Things with Yeji is going well though. We see each other almost every night. Either I go to her place or she goes to mine.

Jisu still fights with the neighbor about the floormat. It's kind of funny, to be honest. Neither one of them want to back down.

Chaeryeong doesn't care as long as the lady doesn't actually hurt Jisu. She thinks her girlfriend enjoys the fight so she doesn't interfere.

I did talk to Yuna too about the whole thing with our mother. I expressed to her how I didn't like the pressure of the decision of her relationship with our mother to be on me. I said that if she wants to have a relationship with her then it's fine with me. I didn't want to be the reason that they're not talking.

My relationship with my mother should be different with their relationship. So a few days ago, she decided to talk to our mother and I guess things went well. Yuna is still cautious for my sake but they're doing well.

From what Yuna has told me, our mom is really trying to change. Yuna told her that she's also into women and she didn't react negatively towards her. Instead she asked questions to try to help her understand.

Even though she's trying, it's still hard for me to forget all the times she just watched my father beat the crap out of me. I do understand that she was probably scared or whatever reason she may have but if it was me, I wouldn't allow anyone to hurt my child like that.

I arrive at the company and Yeji sent me a text that she will be waiting for me at the lobby. I still find it hard to believe that she's my girlfriend.

I've been in other relationships before but she makes me feel like she's my first ever relationship. I truly feel like someone's girlfriend this time. I love her so much. Whenever I see her name on my phone screen or when I'm around her, my heart feels so happy.

I find Yeji waiting for me so I walk up to her.

"Wassup my girlfriend" I happily greet her. She smiles but not like her usual smile when she sees me.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Your mom is here" she sighs.

"What? Why?"

"I thought it was just my dad that wanted to talk to you but I guess your mom is a part of it" she explains.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. If I did, I would have opposed that idea" she looks at me and I can tell she really feels bad.

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