Chapter 1. Cafe Talk

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"He's staring at you again Donna," Ana said.

"Well, who said he's staring at me specifically?" I whispered back.

"Here he comes, act normal." She said and vanished from my side.

"That will be 11.25$ please," I said, cracking up a bit. I quietly cleared my throat and smiled as I took the 20$ he handed me. My breathing had become uneven.

"Here you go, that's 8.75$," I said handing him the change.

"Thank you, Donna." He smiled and put 5$ in the tipping pot; way too much for a tip. "Have a nice day."

"You too sir."

My hand flew to my mouth right after that. Had I just called him sir? I heard him chuckle and the tiny bell clinked indicating his exit. I quickly turned around and saw Ana laughing her ribs off.

"You just called him sir!" She said amid her laughter.

"Stop it! You could have done the same," I said playfully punching her.

"He's been here three times this week you know." She said finally calm.


"Yup. And when you were off, he barely looked my way."

"You're just saying that Ana."

"I never lie to you, Donna."

"Okay, okay. If you say so."

"You have to admit though, he's quite the hottie."



"I don't know. He's more of your type, don't you think?" I admitted.

"What makes you say that?"

"Such guys don't hit on a girl like me Ana," I said under my breath.

"You're at it again with the basic stereo-typing nonsense!" She said harshly yet quietly.

"Is everything okay here?"

We both turned and saw Adrian walk in from the back door. His brown eyes sparkled a little and I struggled to look away.

"Yeah. Everything's fine." Ana said.

We stood awkwardly for a few seconds before he finally excused himself and went to the office. Why does he always seem to appear at the worst moments?

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