Chapter 22. Sorry I Asked

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"Goodnight," I said as the last customer walked out.

I flipped the Closed sign and locked the front door. I cleaned the tables, washed the glasses and emptied the garbage bags, replacing them right after. I freshened up in the bathroom and packed my bag, leaving it by the back door, ready. Determined to talk to Adrian, I took a deep breath and knocked at the door.

"Yeah," he said sounding tired.

"Could I talk to you?" I asked walking in and shutting the door behind me.

"What's it about?" He replied closing his laptop and rubbing his eyes.

"It's personal," I said carefully.


I took a seat and squared my shoulders. Before speaking, I took a deep breath and looked him straight in the eye.

"Do you like me?" I asked finally. My question came as a complete shock to him and he adjusted himself in his seat. "Unless of course, you'd rather not talk about it."

"It's not that simple Donna," he replied.

"What isn't?" I asked wanting to know more. "I obviously like you and I know you do but-"

"But what?" he coaxed.

"But you're holding back and I'd like to know why," I said.

"It has nothing to do with you," he said sighing. "I just don't want to drag you into all of this." He added gesturing to himself.

"Is that all?" I pressed. "Because that's the dumbest thing I have heard, honestly. What's wrong with all of that? Enlighten me because I just cannot seem to see it."

"Donna, it's just-" he started, looking away.

"You know what, save it. Sorry, I asked. If that's the reason why you're holding back, I see no point in waiting." I said standing up and swinging the door open.

"Donna, wait!" I heard him say behind me. I grabbed my backpack, pushed the back door and let myself out into the cool night air.

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