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"Either way, though, I just don't think all of the attitude was warranted." Mercedes chides, following behind Salem with a pissed off look on her face. He finally reaches his locker and begins inputting the combination. She just stands there and glares at him.

He'd actually forgotten that she was still here for a second, and he glances over at the girl. She's mad at him right now. Granted, she gets mad at him about 100 times a day. This time, though, she's more upset than usual.

"I don't even remember what I said," Salem replies, because he honestly doesn't. He has no recollection of what this girl is talking about. Seems like it's his fault, though, which is pretty typical.

"I," Mercedes starts, pressing a manicured hand against her chest, "was in the middle of talking about something super important, and you told me to shut up."

Salem blinks at her, scratching the back of his neck as he thinks back. It's actually starting to come back to him. She was going on and on about something that happened in chemistry class, but someone started talking on the intercom and he told her to be quiet-not even verbally. This was both so he could hear the announcement, and also to keep himself from missing part of her story in the noise.

He didn't tell her to 'shut up' either, he didn't say anything at all-well, aside from shhh.

Mercedes now has her arms crossed, eyebrow raised at him. Due to the heels she's wearing, she's almost Salem's height, and her skirt has ridden up slightly from the way she's standing. Her nose is scrunched up, eyelash extensions touching the skin below her eyebrows due to the fact she's looking up at him. She's visibly angry, and she's drawn the attention of almost every passerby since they were released for the day.

"Sorry, babe." He apologizes, and not for the first time. "Didn't want to miss your story."

She does not appear to believe him. "That is definitely not it. You were distracted the whole time-probably staring at Mrs. Peterson. That's right! I know you have a crush on her."

Salem can't help but to stare dumbfounded at the girl in front of him, who is sounding crazier by the minute. "My English teacher? She's married."

"Wow." Mercedes replies, nails digging into her arm from the rage she's feeling. For absolutely no reason. "Is that seriously the only reason you aren't interested in her? Ugh! I should have fucking known, she's pregnant, and now it's pretty damn obvious that it's because of you-"

Salem sighs. "I didn't get Mrs. Peterson pregnant."

"Yes you did!" Mercedes objects. "Why would I believe that? Can you prove it to me?"

Salem finally finishes putting all his things in his locker. He turns to face the blonde girl, who currently has her hair clipped up. It makes it stick up in the back like spikes, though not quite to the point it looks messy.

"Because I've never had sex with a woman." Salem replies, shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets. He and Mercedes haven't even had sex, and they've been together for a little while. They haven't even gotten close. Salem could never really bring himself past much more than a kiss on the cheek.

"How do I even know that for sure?" Mercedes asks, before his phrasing seems to catch up with her. Yeah, the fact that he specified women was not lost on this girl. Nothing is. "Oh my god, are you talking about your ex again? Are you actually bringing him up now? Ugh, you're so not over him. I seriously should've seen this coming. He's like, all you ever talk about-"

"He's not all I ever talk about," Salem disagrees, because he absolutely does not talk about Atlas Marino that much. Well... okay, so he mentions him sometimes, but that's just because they dated for so long. They were together from the end of freshman to mid junior year. As of right now, it's a couple months into senior year, and Salem and Mercedes got together over the summer. Atlas is his longest relationship, and probably always will be, at this rate.

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