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Salem doesn't get a second of sleep that night. Seriously. He doesn't fall asleep at all. He can't, not with all that's on his mind.

Salem has spent every day since their breakup believing Atlas hated him. Well, maybe not hate, but Atlas really did do a fantastic job of making Salem feel like shit that day—well, for months actually, if you count the fallout. He made it the worst possible experience, pointing out every flaw in their relationship, every flaw in Salem.

Of course, now Salem knows why. Atlas wanted Salem to hate him.

Atlas knows him very well. He knew the things to say to absolutely destroy Salem. To break Salem's heart and cause him the maximum amount of emotional pain. However, unfortunately for Atlas, he strongly underestimated how much Salem loves him.

Jack was right. Salem could never hate Atlas. This has been made apparent by the fact that Atlas has done countless things to hurt not only Salem, but many other people as well. Honestly, there's no telling how many lives he and his family have destroyed.

Yet, Salem's opinion hasn't changed. Not when he learned the truth of Atlas' family, not when he found out all the horrible things the guy has done, and not even when they broke up.

Salem isn't sure if he has a right to be mad, because he's always tried to value intention over action. Even though Atlas completely destroyed his mental well being for the longest time, and even though Jack is part of the reason for that, Salem knows that they were only looking out for his safety.

At the same time, Salem is a firm believer that he can take care of himself. Salem was seventeen at the time of the breakup, and despite the fact that it's only been a year, he has matured. Maybe their concerns were valid back then, but not now. Salem should be allowed to do what he wants, he's an adult.

Even though they had good intentions, Salem's life isn't theirs to control. Especially because...

If he truly mattered to you, then you would make it work.

How I feel about him has nothing to do with it.

You don't care for him.

Especially since Atlas said—

I know saying that makes you feel better.

Then again, Salem doesn't know if—

But it doesn't make it true.

Ugh! Salem splashes cold water on his face, having just taken an hour long shower. He knows his father is home and he has been stalling all morning. Half of what Jack and Atlas said alluded to the past. Salem has no proof that it still stands. He needs to calm down.

Salem gets dressed, trying not to think about the events of last night. This is difficult, because he quite literally did so instead of sleeping. All night.

Salem starts organizing random things in his bedroom, still trying to psych himself up for this. Lectures from his father almost never go well, and it's not because Salem is disobedient. He prefers to listen to what he's told, and he doesn't have to deal with said lectures very often to begin with.

However, he and Jack disagree on a lot. Obviously Atlas is on that list.

Once Salem does finally gain the courage to descend the staircase and enter the kitchen, he finds Jack unsurprisingly awake. The guy doesn't appear to notice him, and maybe Salem could get away with sneaking out, but he'd rather just get this over with.

Taking a deep breath, he trudges over to the table and sits across from Jack, who glances up.

A few minutes go by, Salem absolutely refusing to break the silence, no matter how suffocating it is. Salem is prepared to sit there the rest of the day, because he's just that stubborn, but Jack does finally speak once he finishes some paperwork.

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