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Salem is actually able to successfully avoid Atlas until he has to go back to work, and he's proud of this. It probably has something to do with his mandatory counseling and hanging out with Ruby, though. He plans on visiting Natalia, but doesn't want to risk seeing Atlas there. Also... Ruby doesn't need to be doing that, right now. So, he doesn't.

Salem wants to talk to her about this, but he really doesn't want to make her uncomfortable. So, he takes her out to meals and goes to his counseling, and eventually it's time to go back to work. It does help that Atlas isn't really home during this time, though. Clearly he got caught up with something.

Salem feels curious, and a bit worried. However, he doesn't let himself give in. He can't. Not until he figures out where to go from here.

So far, he has no clue.

"I am so sick of Street Crimes." Donny says after roll call, as they head up to... well... Street Crimes. He has every right to feel this way, since that's all he's been doing all week. Due to the fact that Salem hasn't been here to patrol with him, he's been stuck with Jordan and sometimes Catrine. Sadly, that's what they're gonna have to do today. He wonders if they'll be going undercover.

When they enter the room, Salem finds a lot less people in there than usual. He frowns, before realizing that both Catrine and Jordan are in here. They're seated at Jordan's desk, and Salem is immediately confused. Then, they wave him over, and he becomes a bit nervous. This only increases when they dismiss Donovan, only wanting to talk to Salem.

Donny gives him a fleeting, and slightly pitying, look, then walks to a table and just sits down. Afterwards, he stares at them, not doing any work whatsoever. Both Jordan and Catrine turn their full attention on Salem.

"Alright," Jordan starts off, "so, we wanted to speak with you about your upcoming assignment."

Yeah, he's talking about the Remi thing. Salem fully expected this, and he's generally not in the mood for these people, so he just raises his eyebrows as his only response. Jordan clears his throat and continues, while Catrine just watches Salem.

"We have dropped the case, due to Remi not having been spotted for the last week or so." He says, and Salem feels relieved, and also a bit paranoid. Do they know?

Salem doesn't show it externally, but he's so happy he won't have to investigate Atlas' brother. Sorry, but Salem likes Remi. He doesn't want to be put in such a position.

Salem feels more relaxed at this, since he'd previously been quite tense. This doesn't last long. "Instead, we want you solely investigating Atlas Di Angelo."

Salem can't even help the fed up look he gives them, so over these people and their bullshit. He watched a seventeen year old die in his arms a week ago, and now they want to pull this? He can't even keep himself from saying, in dead monotone, "I fucking hate you people."

Catrine finds that amusing, and Salem will probably curse his lack of filter later, but right now he's far too emotionally exhausted.

"Hear me out," Jordan says patiently. Salem narrows his eyes. "All of our informants are dead. He doesn't kill our officers, but he still hurts them pretty badly. Almost always enough to put them in the hospital."

Salem doesn't like hearing about this, but it does actually give him an idea. Maybe that's what's holding him back from being with Atlas. He hadn't realized it before, but the secrets bother him. He doesn't care how bad it is, he wants Atlas to tell him the things he's done.

"However, we believe that he would not harm you." Jordan continues. Then, Catrine cuts in.

"It shouldn't be a problem, since you're under oath."

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