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"Oh my god, Atlas?"

Atlas glanced up from where he was, going through the kitchen drawers and cupboards. He found Stella in the doorway with her arms crossed. It had been a couple years since Atlas had seen her, and she actually looked a lot older.


Stella didn't even reply, just ran up to him and gave him a hug. Atlas returned it, and he could already hear her laughing. "You're back!"

"Not for long," Atlas dismissed, not wanting to get her hopes up. He put her down after a minute, and she was frowning. Atlas was here for only one reason: he needed a key to Salem's apartment, and he was absolutely positive his mother had one. Somewhere. He just needed to find it.

"Why? What are you looking for?"

"Where does Mom keep her keys?"

Stella looked at him like he was stupid, for a long moment. "On her... keychain?"

Atlas sighed, finally giving up on it being in the kitchen. He was sure that she had a key, though. She essentially treated Salem like he was another one of her children, and she had keys to all their shit. Atlas knew Salem wouldn't be different.

"No, her spares."

"Oh," Stella said, pausing to think about this. "Maybe her purse?"

Atlas sighed, pretty sure that wasn't true but deciding to test his luck anyway. He walked over to the foyer and began searching around until finally spotting her purse, tucked in a little cubby. She'd gotten a new one since the last time Atlas saw her. He immediately grabbed it and began going through the contents.

Stella walked off, and it was made clear why when he heard a new set of footsteps on the hardwood floor. Immediately, his mother's excited voice rang out. "Atlas!"

Atlas looked up, and spotted his mother in the doorway, beaming. She began walking towards him, arms spread out, and then he was being pulled into a second hug. He hugged her back, closing his eyes and actually taking a moment to bask in it. Not long, though. He was so stressed about Salem, he didn't even have time to enjoy the reunion. He'd have to just make it up to his mom and sisters another time. Still, he hadn't seen his mom in a long time, and he'd always been very close with her. It was hard to be away.

"What're you looking for?" Natalia asked him after they pulled away, appearing in a much better mood. Atlas thought about not telling her, but he was pretty sure that there was no hope of finding this key on his own.

"A key to Salem's apartment."

Natalia raised her eyebrows, appearing confused. She looked like she wanted to ask why, but honestly, she probably already knew. There was only one reason Atlas would be here again, and she knew it. Atlas was back because he was needed.

"Just give me one second," she told him, then stepped out of the room for a moment. He wasn't even sure where she went, but pretty soon she was back, and handing him a key with blue and red tape on it.

"If you're keeping this, you need to get me another one." She told him. He just nodded, and the entire time he'd been here there was something off. He couldn't put his finger on what, but then he spotted the lack of dog leashes in the cubby, which was where they kept all of Rocky's things. There were no bowls or toys or treats, either. Also, his cage was missing.

"Where's Rocky?" Atlas asked in confusion. He was kind of hoping he'd see his dog while he was here. He'd missed him a lot.

"A friend is looking after him," was Natalia's response. Atlas quirked an eyebrow at her, something about that not adding up. Why on earth would she give Rocky to a friend to take care of temporarily? Which friend? Their neighbor—Wendy? Wasn't she a cat person?

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