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Salem realizes some key concerns that had never crossed his mind, pretty quick into Atlas being over.

After they arrive, Salem wordlessly leads him to his bedroom. It's pretty clean, which Salem is thankful for. Salem goes directly to his closet and starts rooting for the things they bought to do the project. Once he finds them and turns back around, arms full of supplies, he is met with a problem.

Atlas is on his bed.

This is not strange, since during both their relationship and friendship, that is where Atlas spent most of his time. It's the place he always went directly to, upon arrival. Salem can't be mad at him for following the same procedure he always has. However, that doesn't mean he's comfortable with it.

Normally he wouldn't care, and the only reason he does is because of the memories it brings up.

Salem tries to stay away from his bed during the day, due to the fact that being in it makes him sleepy and he usually has stuff to get done. So, the only times he'd ever be in his bed when Atlas came over, were when they were doing intimate things. Cuddling, watching TV, and sometimes...

Salem's face flushes, images flashing through his mind as he stares at Atlas from the closet. Atlas doesn't look up, thankfully. Salem thinks about all the great times they had. The first time they had sex, the first make out session—not just an unsure kid against his desk, he's thinking about the times it happened on his bed.

Honestly, half of the time they spent in Salem's bed ended in sex, whether it started like that or things just lead that direction. They always had a lot of chemistry, from the very beginning, including the sexual kind. When Salem is by himself in here, he doesn't think about it. Well, not usually. However, due to the fact that Atlas is here, the memories are assaulting Salem's brain.

Salem tries to ignore it. He gathers himself, then walks over to the area beside his bed. He pulls over a chair, and sets everything on the floor. "Okay, what are we making?"

Atlas puts his phone down, looking to Salem. He still seems bored and like he doesn't want to be here, but Salem appreciates the effort. "Whatever you want."

Salem rolls his eyes, and he did not miss Atlas constantly leaving decisions up to him. He has no idea! It's why he needs help brainstorming, it's why he didn't want to do any of it by himself! Salem is pretty creative, it's why he's taken art classes, but that quality is failing him right now.

He tries to think of objects. All he can come up with are police things, because that's seriously the only thing they have in common. Cops and criminals both use weapons, but obviously he and Atlas can't do that. They also both use handcuffs, though for different purposes. That's all Salem can think of, so he finally asks Atlas; "what about handcuffs?"

Atlas gives him a blank look, and Salem can't really read the look in his eye. A couple long moments pass, Salem feeling uncomfortable the whole time. He's about to say something when Atlas finally answers, "not everyone is as innocent as you."

Salem frowns, because he is definitely not innocent. Sure, he's generally a people pleaser. Sure, he hates getting in trouble. However, innocent? Salem has done far too many things that are not innocent for that to be an accurate descriptive word for him, especially from this guy.

So, he's confused. "What?"

Atlas seems to find the fact that Salem still doesn't get it amusing. "Everyone will take it as a sex thing."

Salem pauses, the dirty connotations behind handcuffs having never crossed his mind. He feels his face flush in embarrassment, and immediately defends himself. "You don't know that!"

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