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THERES SMUT if u don't wanna read it skip to the next -


Unlike the last time they kissed, there is no hesitation. Atlas is immediately responsive, most likely because he fully expected it. Salem's been staring at his mouth for the past five minutes, it was only a matter of time.

It's not very gentle, which is pretty typical. There's so much force that it pushes Salem's head back against the wall, and he gasps. He can't help but to wrap his legs tighter around Atlas, accidentally putting more pressure on his lower half. His hand tightens in Atlas' hair at the unexpected pleasure.

Salem isn't even surprised. Disappointed in himself? Maybe. However, he was well aware of the risk involved with sharing a living situation with this guy. He just doesn't have the self control, Atlas is way too perfect to him. Too perfect for him.

Salem feels intoxicated, though it's not unwelcome. He's craved this guy for far too long, so he might as well let himself enjoy it. He can deal with the consequences later. He and Atlas part for air, but just end up diving right back in. Salem's shaking, trembling with desire and want and overwhelming attraction. He can't even deny it to himself anymore.

Atlas may do a lot of bad things, but that does not change the fact that he's absolutely gorgeous. Salem didn't even know he could be this attracted to somebody. Atlas ticks all the boxes, he's just so... Salem's type, it's almost laughable.

Salem doesn't know how long this lasts, but he does know that Atlas' tongue ends up in his mouth at some point, an action that is not unwelcome in the slightest. Salem's making embarrassing noises, and Atlas clearly finds joy in it. He realizes that this guy may have been right.

Nothing's changed.

By the time they part again, Salem is panting and flushed and far too warm. He's trying to get his wits about him, to no avail. He just can't fucking think, though that's probably for the best. All he wants is more and more and more. He's craved this for far too long, and his self control has always been pretty lacking, anyway.

Just because they separate, does not mean that Atlas is done with him. Nope, that action was purely to get some air in his lungs. Salem knows this, because as soon as he does so, he's going back in for more. Except, he's not kissing Salem's mouth this time. Atlas is showing absolutely no fucking mercy, something that's made clear when Salem feels his mouth against his neck.

Uh oh. If Salem wasn't a goner before, he definitely is now. It's so unfair how well Atlas knows his body. He knows how to melt Salem down, reduce him into a puddle of desire and want. Salem's neck is very sensitive, it's his number one weak spot. Clearly Atlas has not forgotten this.

Atlas tangles his hand in Salem's hair, pulling it back so he has better access. Salem lets him, mind clouded with lust. All Salem can do is fucking take it, something he's not exactly proud of. He's grasping onto Atlas' shirt and jacket like a life line, eyes lidded and eyelashes fluttering in pleasure.

That's when, through the fuzz of his mind, Salem hears a noise.

Atlas either doesn't care or doesn't hear it, but Salem's eyes immediately shoot open. He lifts his head slightly to look around, and catches sight of Ruby. All of her homework is off the coffee table, and she appears to be making her escape. Back turned, Salem catches her right as she exits the room, folders and binders clutched in her arms.

Uh oh.

This snaps Salem out of it. He starts tugging at Atlas' hair until the guy pulls away, giving him an expectant look.

"Sh-She saw us." Salem stammers, cheeks flushed and panting. Atlas appears to take a moment to appreciate the mess he's made of Salem, before the words catch up with him. He frowns a bit.

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