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The officers Catrine named are arrested almost immediately. Jordan, of course, and Callisto. Salem didn't even know who that was, but it's revealed it was the other guy that was accompanying Jordan before Catrine dismissed him. It is extremely satisfying to watch Jordan get placed in handcuffs, head down, unable to make eye contact with anyone.

Catrine, somehow, escapes.

Salem thinks she may have had it planned. She knew he likely had evidence, so he wouldn't put it past her to have an entire escape plan prepared. People go after her, but she goes through the back exit and essentially is not seen again.

Salem almost chases her too, but he decides he probably should stay for the aftermath. He's glad he did so, because one more person chasing her would've made no difference. Also, people had a lot of questions for him, including reporters. Atlas didn't want to deal with this, so he went out to the car and just waited for it all to be over with.

All in all, Salem ends up in there for about another hour, before it's all said and done and he's able to leave. He's told to come in the next day for his normal shift, and he agrees. Then, he's off. He gets in the passenger side of Atlas' company car, and is expecting Atlas to be in a good mood. However, instead, the guy just appears troubled.

"Basically a third of Astren's police force is looking for her, and internal affairs will investigate the entire department." Salem notifies him upon not receiving a greeting. Atlas glances over at him, then starts up the car. Pretty soon they're on their way, presumably home. "You should've seen Jordan getting arres-"

"You need to be careful." Atlas interrupts him, a frown on his face. Salem gives him a bit of a questioning look, having expected him to be more excited. Same finally did it! He finally accomplished the goal he's been after for years.

"What?" Salem replies, confused. Atlas just keeps his gaze solely on the road.

"Catrine," Atlas specifies. This doesn't clear anything up. She's not going to be able to hide for long at all, everybody is looking for her. She killed the chief! She should've known such a thing wouldn't go unpunished. Jack was very loved, a lot of people were upset when he died. "She got away. She's going to come after you."

"They'll find her," Salem says, unsure why he needs to say this. Shouldn't it be obvious? "Probably today, honestly."

Atlas just shakes his head, lips pursed, appearing deep in thought. "They won't. She's with Black Cross, she's probably already in Seagate. It wouldn't surprise me if she has a plan."

At first Salem feels doubtful, but then he thinks about how big that gang is. To be a threat to the Di Angelo's, they'd have to be pretty bad. So, it isn't too far fetched. Still, Salem has confidence in his own abilities. "I'll be fine."

"You're not understanding." Atlas says, looking really stressed. "I can protect you, but I need you to cooperate."

"You don't need to protect me," Salem defends, starting to get a bit frustrated. Atlas doesn't look happy either, a serious expression on his face.

"She lost her job, her life's work, and almost everything else important to her." Atlas explains, and Salem thinks he's starting to understand. "There is nothing more dangerous than a powerful person with nothing left to lose."

Salem sighs, realizing that Atlas has a point. Before he was pretty confident that they could find her, but he's starting to lose hope in that. He'd forgotten how powerful and important Catrine is, and he'd kind of forgotten exactly how much she hates them. They really should watch out.

"Let's just lay low until they find her."

"They're not gonna find her."

Salem runs a hand through his hair, thinking about this. Yeah, if she's already in Seagate, which she definitely is... the chances of finding her are next to none. Atlas may actually have a point. Atlas can take care of himself, and he will do his best to look after Salem as well, but they should be really careful. Then again, they can't just let her run free.

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