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"You what?"

"Listen, it's not a big deal." Salem defends, as he walks through the school hallways. Salem has no idea how Jordan found out, but the guy knows about his little adventure on Saturday. He called Salem after school to basically lecture him about safety. "I just wanted to see for myself."

Atlas didn't come to school today, which Salem doesn't really find surprising. He was pretty mad Saturday, and the guy always has a lot going on generally. Salem obviously didn't miss him or anything, he only noticed because they have nearly every class together.

"What is wrong with you?" Jordan asks, and Salem rolls his eyes as he exits the building. Today is one of the days he's driving Milo to work, so they need to make this quick. "Did you forget who you are, Salem?"

"No," Salem replies, sick of people saying shit like that to him. By that, they mean who his father is. Salem knows that there are a lot of people out there that would jump at the chance to... well, cause him harm. Jack has arrested many people in his time, screwed up a lot of futures and lives—though, they really did it to themselves. Still, they have a lot of enemies. So, he can't really blame people for their concern. Doesn't make it any less annoying, though. "I just don't think it's that important, especially since I'm supposed to investigate him."

"Yeah, in a safe and controlled environment, like school." He chides, sounding frustrated. Salem is getting irritated at his concern. "Nothing good will come of you getting involved in Atlas Di Angelo's private life."

"I've already been involved in his private life," Salem snaps, but he knows it's different. Dating the guy and witnessing all the shit he keeps a secret firsthand are not the same thing. "And something did come out of it. You know his brother?"

"Which one? Luca?"

Okay, well now Salem has another name. He's going to assume that Remi and Luca must be the two eldest of the siblings, Atlas the middle. The youngest are middle school age, twins, and both girls. Salem doesn't think he has much to worry about with them, though, since they're so young. No, this is about Atlas and his brothers. "No. Remi."

"Okay, what about him?"

"So you do know him." Salem decides to make sure, and also bide time to figure out how he wants to word this.

"Yes. Remington Di Angelo is the second eldest of the Di Angelo children." Jordan says, which would make Luca the first born. So it goes Luca, Remi, Atlas, then the girls.

"Okay, well he said he hired Atlas. Like, for the fighting thing." Salem informs Jordan, but something about giving that information away—of doing the job he's supposed to, more like—leaves a strange feeling in his gut. It's almost... almost like guilt. It just feels wrong.

He elects to ignore it.

"Okay. We were not aware of his affiliation with Burnhouse." Jordan says, and Burnhouse is the name of the club that the boxing ring is under. Most of the employees in Burnhouse also manage the... basement activities as well. Salem has never really payed that much attention to the club area, though.

"You're welcome." Salem says, ignoring the strange emotions and choosing to feel accomplished. Then, Salem remembers something. Atlas' questions, his reaction to finding out that Jordan and Salem talk to each other. Well, they work together, but it's not like Atlas knows that. "I need to ask you something though."

"Okay, but make it quick." Jordan says, and Salem tries not to feel irritated at the rush. He shouldn't be surprised. Jordan is at work, after all. "I have to go work security at a baseball game in a minute."

Salem supposes that's a good reason to be in a rush. He's almost at his car, and the weather has been pretty bad lately, so he's Milo's ride to work. The call would be cut short from his end anyway. "Atlas saw us talking the other day."

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