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Salem is beginning to think that this isn't a good idea.

Don't get him wrong, he's still going through with it. The concept of Atlas getting up to serious crime does not sit well with him, and he hates himself for it but he's worried. It's bothering him, and he needs to know... badly. However, he's beginning to get the sense that he shouldn't.

This is because he's spent so long away from the guy, he forgot the effect any sort of contact between the two has on him. See, Atlas has a schedule, one that Salem knows by heart. Not his class schedule—although, Salem does know that decently well too, just by observing—no, his free time schedule. What he does before school, after school, during lunch, when he skips...

Salem knows.

The following Monday, finding a time to talk to Atlas isn't a problem. Atlas works out in the school gym after class dismisses, every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Everyone steers clear of the area when he's in there, so when Salem enters the main gym and it's empty, he knows he's right.

Alright, no problem there. Salem is golden. At least, he thinks he is, but as he gets closer to the weight room, he starts to second guess himself. Was this really a good idea? Is it necessary? The fact that he's about to talk to Atlas is starting to really set in, and he can't help his hesitation.

Salem can hear Atlas' music playing from behind the heavy, partially windowed door. As he gets closer, the songs are unmistakeable. It's his workout playlist, Salem notes. No surprise there, except he's playing a song that Salem introduced him to. Granted, Salem introduced him to most of the music he listens to, but still. Salem's heart rate begins to pick up.

Salem finally reaches the door, and he peeks through the window. Upon seeing his shirtless ex in the middle of lifting a massive weight, he begins to feel a special kind of dread for this conversation.

Maybe Salem should try again another time. He has a bad feeling about this. Trying to carry a conversation with Atlas? When he's shirtless? And sweaty?

Yeah, there's no fucking way. Salem should quit while he's ahead.

Then again, he really wants to know...

"Come on, you can do this," Salem mumbles to himself, pulling away from the window. He runs a hand through his hair, closing his eyes. "It's just Atlas."

It's just Atlas...

Salem takes a deep breath, and pushes the door open.

Atlas looks up at his entrance, already appearing irritated at his workout being interrupted. Salem is making a conscious effort to make strict eye contact, though his eyes do glance down for a second. Once Atlas recognizes him, his expression immediately goes completely blank. That's one change that Salem absolutely despises. He used to be able to read this guy so well, but now? Now Atlas makes a conscious effort to prohibit that. The second is...

"I'm busy, Heart."

Salem's last name. Atlas almost exclusively calls him by it, and Salem has no clue why. When Atlas doesn't think about it, he still calls him Salem, but it's rare.

Anyway, it never fails to put Salem in a bad mood.

"Sucks." Salem replies, "I need to ask you something."

Atlas just raises an eyebrow, and Salem takes that as his cue to go on. He decides to just get straight to the point.

"So, on Friday, I was in a bank..." Salem starts, and he's already feeling nervous. This is a bad sign, to say the least. "And uh, it got robbed, and one of the robbers reminded me a lot of you, and um, and he had the same tattoo maybe, I think. Um."

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